


Leaders from JWLI × Inclusive business in Bangladesh -Moving beyond SDG 5 Gender equality -

イベントURL: https://fb.me/e/3dnWmi26q
主催者: Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative (JWLI)
主催者URL; http://jwli.org/
開始日時: 2021年03月04日 (木) 18時00分
終了日時: 2021年03月04日 (木) 19時30分
会場: オンライン
連絡先: http://jwli.org/contact/
詳細: (英語の下に日本語でのご案内もございます)

 Our monthly speaker series "Leaders from JWLI" kicked off in March 2020 at Venture Cafe Tokyo. This series features alumni from JWLI, the Champion of Change Japan Award, and the Bootcamp.
In this session, we will explore women's leadership from inclusive/social business perspectives to promote gender equality both in Japan and Bangladesh.

Following topics will be covered:
・Overview of inclusive/social business
・Challenges for gender equality/ women's leadership
・Leadership practices to overcome challenges

・Keiko Chida (Executive Director, End-of-Life Care Association of Japan)
・Shazeeb M Khairul Islam (The founder of YY Ventures, Obama Scholar at Columbia University, Entrepreneur/Social business investor)
・Yumiko Mori(Founder/Chairman, Non-Profit Organization Comachiplus)
・Lamiya Morshed (Executive Director, Yunus Centre)
・Yukoh Satake(CO-CEO, Grameen Euglena / GM, Business Development Department, Euglena Co.,Ltd.)

※Speakers' profiles are in the bottom.
※This session will be held in English.

Co-organizer: The Embassy of Japan in Bagladesh


 「リーダーズ from JWLI」は毎月1回、Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative(JWLI)が提供する3つのプログラムの卒業生を中心に、新しい価値を生み出し、日本社会に変革をもたらす女性リーダーたちが登壇するプログラムシリーズです。


・Shazeeb M Khairul Islam (YY Ventures創始者,コロンビア大学オバマ奨学生、起業家/ソーシャルビジネス投資家)
・佐竹右行(株式会社ユーグレナ海外事業開発担当執行役員、グラミンユーグレナ CO-CEO)
・Lamiya Morshed(ユヌス・センター代表)




Yumiko Mori(Founder/Chairman, Non-Profit Organization Comachiplus)

 Yumiko Mori is devoted to tackling the issue of isolation for mothers forced to rebuild their social networks around raising a child, with 50 staffs and 180 volunteers. She is the chair and founder in 2012 of Comachiplus, which established “Comachi-Café” to create a support network of mothers and promote child rearing on a community level. Through partnerships in the private and public sector, she has started many initiatives to address the needs of isolated mothers. For example, Comachiplus started "Welcome Baby Project" with a logistic company, sending 2300 presents to new-born families for free in this 4 years. The Japan-first Diaper Vending Machine was born from this project, now spreading to over 50 machines all over Japan. Champion of Change Japan Award 2019 finalist.


Keiko Chida (Executive Director, End-of-Life Care Association of Japan)

 In 2015, Keiko established the End-of-Life Care Association of Japan to provide training programs and create awareness toward end-of-life care, together with a hospice care doctor Taketoshi Ozawa. Just before the beginning of the activities, she lost her father to ALS and her mother three months after, which gave her opportunities to realize the meaning of her life, as well as the need for open dialogue among the dying, their families, and medical professionals. The association's training programs are in demand, and in less than six years, more than 6,800 medical and non-medical people have joined the program. The goal is to foster a community of care where everyone, from children to the elderly, can recognize and empathize with the suffering of themselves and others. JWLI Boston Program 2017 Fellow.
 日系および外資系IT企業において、人材育成・新規事業開発・インド展開支援に従事。2011年、父親が難病ALSに罹患したことを機に、働きながら家族として介護に携わり、本人の意思に基づき最期を見送る。3ヵ月後の母親他界を機に、自分が生きる意味・働く意味を考えはじめたとき、在宅緩和ケア医・小澤 竹俊と出会い、2015年法人設立。超高齢多死時代を迎え、社会資源が限られたなかでも、自分の人生を最期まで主体的に生きることができる社会を目指して活動。5年間で6,800人が研修を受講し、52か所の地域で継続学習コミュニティが誕生。子どもから高齢者まで、誰もが自分や他者の苦しみに気づき関われるケア文化の醸成を目指す。JWLIボストンプログラム2017年フェロー。


Shazeeb M Khairul Islam (The founder of YY Ventures, Obama Scholar at Columbia University, Entrepreneur/Social business investor)
Shazeeb M Khairul Islam (YY Venture創始者,コロンビア大学オバマ奨学生、起業家/ソーシャルビジネス投資家)

 Shazeeb M Khairul Islam is an Obama Scholar at Columbia University in the City of New York and the founder of YY Ventures, a social business company that builds, accelerates and invests in social businesses reducing poverty, unemployment, and carbon emissions. Before founding YY Ventures, Shazeeb led the establishment of Bangladesh’s first independent social business incubator, ‘YY Goshti,’ which has backed 50+ social entrepreneurs since 2016 who have impacted the lives of more than 100,000 people. Previously, Shazeeb was the Founding Country Director of YGAP in Bangladesh, an innovative international development nonprofit that supports local entrepreneurs with local solutions and Country Advisor at Give2Asia, a U.S. based non-profit funding vetted community-based organizations that are addressing the most pressing issues at the local level. He is an International Exchange Alumni and a One Young World ambassador.
(Further Detail: https://www.thedailystar.net/.../bangladeshi-shazeeb-m...)


Yukoh Satake(CO-CEO, Grameen Euglena / GM, Business Development Department, Euglena Co.,Ltd.)
佐竹右行(株式会社ユーグレナ海外事業開発担当執行役員、グラミンユーグレナ CO-CEO)

Satake founded a joint venture company for BOP business from 2010 with Professor. Muhammad Yunus who was awarded Nobel Peace Prize. They started “the mung beans project”, which supported local farmers in Bangladesh to lean Japanese agriculture and to increase farmer‘s income. Harvested mung beans are exported to japan and sold to sprout companies.
Since Apr 2015, this project is carried forward with euglena Co., Ltd under the brand name of “Grameen Euglena” (EGG), and over 8,500 farmers are working together in 2018.
From 2018, Grameen euglena cooperated with WFP supported by MOFA to supply rice and mung bean for Rohingya refugees
He has been searching for further opportunities to contribute more for better living standards in Bangladesh.


Lamiya Morshed (Executive Director of Yunus Centre)
Lamiya Morshed(ユヌス・センター代表)

Lamiya Morshed has been the Executive Director of Yunus Centre, the global hub for social business founded by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, since its inception in 2008. Previously she served for 12 years as Director, Development of Grameen Trust which sets up microcredit programs around the world. She serves as the Managing Director of Grameen Healthcare Trust and is a member of Board of Trustees of YY Foundation, board member of Grameen Healthcare Services, Grameen Creative Lab, Yunus Social Business, Grameen Intel, Grameen Trust, Grameen Euglena Ltd. and Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing. She has been a speaker at numerous high level international conferences and summits around the world on the subject of microcredit and social business, and regularly judges for global social business competitions.

【 Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative (JWLI)】
 The Japanese Women's Leadership Initiative (JWLI) was established in Boston, USA in 2006. In 2017, JWLI launched the Champion of Change Japan Award (CCJA), and in June 2019, the JWLI Bootcamp, bringing the total number of participants in these three programs to over 100. In addition to the program participants, the JWLI community has expanded to include stakeholders from various fields such as NPOs, social entrepreneurs, corporations, government, universities and research institutes. JWLI is now developing this community into an ecosystem by accelerating social change and innovation by women leaders. The vision of this ecosystem is to create a society where women can thrive, and to grow the social sector into a third sector equal to the government and the corporate. The ecosystem aims to create a society that respects human rights and where everyone can live with equality.
Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative (JWLI) は 2006 年に米国ボストンにて設立しました。 2017年にChampion of Change Japan Award (CCJA - チャンピオン・オブ・チェンジ 日本大賞)、2019年6月にJWLI Bootcampを開始し、これら3つ のプログラムの参加者は100名近くになります。このJWLIコミュ ニティーはプログラム参加者以外にも、NPO・社会起業家、企 業、政府・行政、大学・研究機関など様々な分野のステークホル ダーも参画し大きな広がりを見せています。 JWLIは今、女性リーダーによる社会変革とイノベーションを 加速させることにより、このコミュニティーをエコシステムへと 発展させています。このエコシステムが目指すビジョンは、女性 が活躍する社会を創造し、ソーシャルセクターを政府や企業に 匹敵する第3のセクターに成長させることです。このエコシステム は、人権を尊重し、誰もが平等で暮らしやすい社会を目指して います。
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