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WAN Symposium at University of Tokyo: Women's Networks and Media

2012.04.22 Sun

Women’s Action Network (WAN) will host a symposium on women and media on May 13, 2012 at the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus.

In the development of women’s movements in Japan, newsletters have played an important role since the 1970s. WAN is aiming to archive those newsletters electronically so that everyone everywhere can access the collective assets.

As a part of this ongoing project, the symposium will explore the relationship between women and information through focusing on various types of media from newsletters to the web. Questions to be discussed include: How the web and the print media can coexist; how solidarity among women beyond generational and geographic distances is possible; and what roles women’s newsletters can perform in the future.

WAN Symposium: Women’s Networks and Media: From Newsletters to the Web

Date: May 13, 2012
Time: 1:30 – 5:00 pm
Place: University of Tokyo Hongo Campus (7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
Faculty of Law and Letters Building 1, Lecture Hall 1
* English campus map
Admission: 1.000 yen, 500 yen for students
* WAN members can participate free of charge.
Language: Japanese

Facilitator: Chizuko Ueno (Director of WAN, Sociologist)

Panelists and Presentation Titles:
Sumie Asatori (Jojo Kikaku), “Women are Everywhere”
Mikiyo Kano (Former Professor of Keiwa College), “Farewell to ‘Paper’ and the Postmodern”
Chieko Akaishi (Editor of Femin), “Possibilities of Newspaper as a Paper Medium”
Sonoko Azuma (Osaka University), “Five years of Shōjo: Bunka no Tomo (Girls: Friends of Culture)

Kaori Hayashi (University of Tokyo)
Nozomi Mizushima (University of Tokyo)

Sponsored by Women’s Action Network
Head Office: 185-804, Shimomyokakujicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan 604-0024
Tel/Fax: +81-75-708-2091
Tokyo Office: 1-11-16-2701, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo Japan
Tel: +81-422-38-9770
Fax: +81-422-38-9862

Original Article on the WAN Website (April 18, 2012)
Translated and adapted by Aya Kitamura

カテゴリー:Event Information