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Are Gender Equality Measures/Center Unnecessary in Osaka?: Protest Meeting Held on April 28

2012.04.30 Mon

Based on Mayor Hashimoto’s “great reset,” measures to promote gender equality are now on the verge of termination. Programs and buildings of Creo Osaka, the city’s center for gender equality, have been determined by the mayor to be “unnecessary”. Only the information and consultation services will be left to a relevant department of the city office.

A citizens’ group in Osaka protesting against the plan to terminate Creo and promoting gender equality, made an urgent call for a meeting to be held on April 28 to make their protest in time for public comments.
According to its organizer, the meeting was held in Creo Osaka Chuo and, inspite of a short notice, attended by 53 people. They asked the workers of Creo about what is really going on and exchanged views.

Original article on the WAN website (April 27, 2012)
Translated and adapted from the WAN website and the following blog

カテゴリー:Event Information