Procedure and conditions to receive online counseling in English for women living in Japan
2013.12.30 Mon
The orientation of this online counseling is based upon the idea and the practice of feminist therapy counseling that launched early 1970s. It has grown together with feminist movement.
At that time, there were many feminist psychiatrists, including Dr. Judith Herman as well as psychologists such as Dr. Phyllis Chesler, all of whom had inevitably engaged in the movement from the beginning. They got together and discussed about women’s mental health that had been neglected and abused by men’s professional world.
The first issue that they were concerned was (still is) the PTSD of victimized women by any kind of violence against women. According to their investigation, the symptoms of schizophrenia and those of DV victims could be differentiated astonishingly although both were diagnosed as the same. Those feminist therapists emphasize social discriminatory structural systems on the cause of women’s distress.
The respondent counselor, Ms. Kiyomi Kawano M.S., is trained as a feminist counselor and she in fact translated “Women and Madness” by P. Chesler that is the monumental psychology book.
1. Read the “TERMS AND CONDITIONS” below.
2. Please send an email describing your problem to: In order to receive appropriate advice, please follow the procedures listed below and agree to the terms and conditions.
3. Write “English counseling” in the subject line.
4. Write your nickname, place of residence, age and occupation. (i. e. Kyoko from Tokyo, 25 years old, company employee)
5. Please keep the text within 300 words.
1. Before we put your text on our website, we may have to change certain expressions if we find it inappropriate and/or unsuitable, but the content will not be altered extensively.
The condition for providing our free counseling is that it is done only online and not to respond individually.
2. If the counselor receives more cases than she can handle, please understand that the selection will be made by the topic of problem which pertains to other women seeking similar advice.
3. You will neither be notified whether the problem you submitted will be selected for online counseling or not nor the date it will appear on our website if it is so selected. We regret not being able to respond to everyone’s problems as well as responding immediately.
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