


Book review: This is more of an academic "study"−− "Person in Need" by Sarasa Ono

2012.12.29 Sat

“Person in Need”
Written by Sarasa Ono
(Poplar Publishing, 16/06/2011)

A girl struggling with the incurable disease, which attacked her all of a sudden.
This girl is really something!
As a future anthropologist, she describes her serious disease conditions, treatments and even pains using her recursive keen insights. It is such a powerful writing that you can read in one sitting.

If you use information technology skills, you might be able to get any information you want on treatments or how to apply for social-security plans. However, you are definitely still in need of real human friends and helpers. And for the sake of a “survival” strategy, you have to take a certain distance from your family for nursing care.

Although this is written in a casual style, you will learn serious issues confronting those who suffer from incurable diseases. This could be more of an academic “study” with full of originality and persuasiveness.

This book has already been introduced here. (http://wan.or.jp/book/?p=4751)

Original article written by momiji(07/10/2012) (http://wan.or.jp/book/?p=4488)
Translated by T. Muramatsu

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