Worldwide Wan



What’s New on WAN’s Website as of November 24, 2013

2013.11.24 Sun

“Being Invited to Parlament der Generationen by Germany’s Ministry of Education and Science”
Written by FUCHS, Mariko

Book Review 

Social History of Sanitary Goods: From Taboo to Major Business
Authored by TANAKA Hikaru
Published by Miminerva Shobo (August 25, 2013)
Activity Report for Preventing Cognitive Impairment No.5
“Responding to the Needs of Highly-aging Society: Ten Year History and the Future Outlook of NPO Cognitive Impairment Prevention Net”
Written by TAKABAYASHI Miyuki

Call for Activity Photos
Photos Showing Various Regional Activities toward the Week (November 12 – 25, 2013) for Eliminating Violence to Women Wanted!
Visit the site below to see the slide show of last year’s photos.

Posted by FUKUOKA A.A.

カテゴリー:What's New