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Online petition: Please do not approve the re-opening of nuclear power plants!

2015.01.31 Sat

Sign a petition to the Governor of Fukui Prefecture Issei Nishikawa:
“Please do not approve the re-opening of nuclear power plants!”
“Do Not Re-open Nuclear Power Plants Any Longer!” Fukui Prefectural Residents’ Petition Executive Committee has been working on a signature campaign to send the petitions to the Governor of Fukui Prefecture not to approve the re-opening of nuclear power plants.
Please join the petition. Online petition is available from:
If you are able to spread the campaign, it is very much welcomed, too. The committee gathers signatures not only from Fukui but also from other prefectures in Japan.

For more information, please visit:
( Reported by Harumi Kondaiji )

Original article:

Adopted and Translated by Shin Yamaaki

カテゴリー:Event Information / Organizations / Team Zero Net (for nuclear-free world)