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2015.05.29 Fri

A Critical Moment: Sex/Gender Research at the Intersection of Culture, Brain, & Behavior
October 23-24, 2015 – Early Registration Ending June 30
UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Confirmed Keynote Speaker is Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling, Nancy Duke Lewis Professor Emerita of Biology and Gender Studies, Brown University, and author of the pioneering books, Sex/Gender: Biology in a Social World (2012) and Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (2000).

Some of Our Many Talks:
The Maternal Mystique: Constructing the Biosocial Body at the Maternal-Fetal Interface (Sarah Richardson)
Recent Discoveries and Opportunities for Improved Understanding of Sex-Biasing Biological Factors (Art Arnold)
A Life History Theory Perspective on Neural, Hormonal, and Genetic Correlates of Variation in Human Paternal Behavior (James Rilling)
Social Neuroendocrinology and Gender/Sex: Asking Hormonal Questions with Social Construction and Evolution in their Answers (Sari van Anders)
Where Does Sexual Orientation Reside? (Lisa Diamond)
Early Androgen Exposure and Human Gender Development: Outcomes and Mechanisms (Melissa Hines)
Naturalizing Male Violence and Sexuality (Matthew Gutmann)

Panel discussions and question/answer sessions with the audience throughout this 2-day event. Don’t Miss Out.
Discover the latest findings on sex/gender, from an interdisciplinary perspective. All at UCLA this October 23-24, 2015.

REGISTER NOW. Our last two conferences sold out before the end of Early registration.
EARLY REGISTRATION (lower cost) ENDS June 30, 2015
