On May 19th, Professor Karine Tinat at the Colegio de Mexico, anthropologist and sociologist, specialist in gender studies, will give a lecture on “Simone de Beauvoir and her feminist thought in Mexico”.
Simone de Beauvoir died in Paris on April 14th, 1986, thirty years ago. A long time has passed since then and, however, fresh footprints still appear in certain feminist souls that Beauvoir stamped. This lecture will be divided in two parts. First, we will try to remember Beauvoir’s life and work throughout the twentieth century. For this, we will focus on the concept of existentialism that she developed in part of her work and also with Jean-Paul Sartre; we’ll talk about the place and leading role of Beauvoir in feminism history, french and international, after publishing The Second Sex in 1949. Secondly, we’ll observe how Simone de Beauvoir’s ideas are still valid nowadays in Mexico, as those embodied in her life as those reflected in her work. For this, we’ll distinguish two levels of answers, because everything depends on whether we reflect from the feminist and gender thought, or if we turn to the everyday reality of certain Mexican women.
(from the website below)
Please visit the following website If you're interested in coming.
Date: May 19, 2016
Time: 12:10-13:30
Venue: Open Space on the 4th Floor of the Building 18, Komaba Campus, UTokyo
Language: English