YY-WAN, a team from Women’s Action Network is holding an event on August 6th (Sat.), 2016, 1.00 - 4.00 pm, @ Nagoya Human Rights Center
We’d like to think about and talk about “politics” and its related everyday issues with Prof. Yayo Okano at Doshisha University, who specializes in histories of political thought and feminism theories, as the guest lecturer. Usually we don’t have many opportunities to give our full attention to politics, but, here, let’s do that casually and with fun.
We promise you a wonderful and productive time!
The attendance fee is just ¥500 (one coin).
The title of the event is “Three, Two, WAN (One) ☆ A Message to Girls”.
Boys and men are most welcome too.
Why don’t you take this opportunity to shorten the distance between politics and yourself?
Why don’t you use your time to learn a little bit about society for somebody you care for?
Bringing children is no problem. You can enter and leave any time.
☆Date and Time:
August 6th (Sat.), 2016, 1.00 - 4.00 pm
Soleil Plaza Nagoya (Nagoya Human Rights Center)
Fushimi Life Plaza 12F, 1-23-13 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi
☆Contact and Application:
Bureau of Sankaku Planet (incorporated non-profit organization)
Phone: 052-203-5171
E-mail: receipt-wan@wan.or.jp
Sankaku Planet, NPO
Women’s Action Network, Authorized NPO
We are looking forward to meeting you there! \(^o^)/

Original article by YY-WAN
Translated by A. Tawara