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Chizuko Ueno "Forty Years of Japanese Feminism"

2013.05.17 Fri

Chizuko Ueno, “Forty Years of Japanese Feminism: What it has achieved…and what it has not”
April 22, 2013, 5:00pm
International House 1414 E. 59th St. Chicago IL. 60637

The University of Chicago Committee on Japanese Studies is pleased to welcome Chizuko Ueno, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University, for the 2013 Najita Distinguished Lecture in Japanese Studies. A sociologist by training, Professor Ueno is one of the leading feminist critics and public intellectuals in Japan. She is the author and co-author of more than fifty books that address issues of the family, patriarchy, gender, capitalism, and nationalism.

from the website of the Center for East Asian Studies

Posted by Atsuko Ishikawa
