

Williams, Elisabeth Ann:Replication and resistance: Japanese male returned sojourners speaking about gender, masculinity, and desire


玉井明美:Thirteen ways of looking at a Victorian woman : representation of sexuality in Thomas Hardy's last three novels and balladic poems

MAGDALENA TRIASIH DUMAULI :The effects of childbirth on labor market participation and wage level of Japanese women

横山 真紀:女性の就業と出産 ―出産後のキャリアに着目した実証分析―

Maryam Mustafa Ahmed ALKUBATI:Substantive Representation in Arab Parliaments: Female MPs and Policy Agenda Priorities in Jordan and Tunisia

宮嵜 絢子:Empirical analysis of intra-household resource allocation for women in rural society of Northern Ghana

Hesborn Andole:The Role of Rural Women as Vectors of Entrepreneurship and Environment Management for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas : A Case Study of Kakamega County, Kenya
