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ART: The Donation of Vegetable for the Pregnant Woman in Fukushima

2011.08.12 Fri

エルフの木Mikako Tomotari, a sculptor in Kyushu, began a project, “The Donation of Vegetables for Pregnant Women in Fukushima.” This sustainable project for disaster relief is designed to deliver fresh vegetables to pregnant women in the areas affected by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants. It is a system in which people purchase “donation cards” to donate money for purchasing and delivering fresh vegetables from Kyushu, which pregnant women in Fukushima can eat without worrying about the possible effects of radiation from the areas close to the power plants.

Through her work, Tomotari (an assistant professor in the Department of Design at Kyushu University) has been working on themes of the environment, disability, the body, community, and violence of the nation.

Website for Donation of Vegetables for Pregnant Women in Fukushima (Japanese)

Mikako Tomotari’s website (Japanese)

カテゴリー:Art (A-WAN)