I made an appointment with a surgeon at the clinic where I had my cytology to ask about treatment and surgery for breast cancer.

The clinic in Manila
My husband went with me to the clinic that day. We both must have looked very serious while waiting for the doctor in the waiting room.
Then Dr. Valencia, a surgeon, wearing a face shield that covered his entire face like an astronaut, showed up about 30 minutes late. (*In Manila at that time, face mask plus face shield were mandatory indoors and outdoors.)
Incidentally, during my 10 years of living in the Philippines, I’ve learned that a 30-minute tardiness is not considered tardy in this country in most cases.

Face shield commonly worn by doctors in Manila at that time
In the examination room, Dr. Valencia was laughing out while joking something to his assistant. His Filipino cheerfulness was palpable even with his face shield on. His long hair was tied back in a bun, making him look like a rock musician from California.
I had an image of surgeons as cool from Japanese medical dramas. When I saw Dr. Valencia, who was quite different from that image, I had a faint feeling of anxiety, wondering if he would perform my surgery.
As my husband and I entered the examination room, Dr. Valencia looked at my chart and spoke cheerfully to me.
“Oh, we are the same age! I'm 43 this year too. How old is your husband?"
Perhaps he was trying to relieve our tension and anxiety.
When he began to talk about my treatment, his expression turned dignified and said, “You understand that the cytology result was not good." He then explained in plain English, using pamphlets and tablet screens, the treatment of breast cancer and the steps leading up to surgery.
“You need to get a CT scan right away to see if there are metastases. If there are metastases, you will have to undergo chemotherapy for several months until you are able to have surgery," he said.
Metastasis, chemotherapy.
The words were too heavy for me, as I had thought that the treatment would be completed once I underwent surgery.
I also wanted to return to Japan temporarily once my surgery was over. Even though it had not yet been determined that I had metastasis or that I would be treated with chemotherapy, I was so anxious that my heart felt crushed.
Seeing my face on the verge of tears, the doctor said in a calm voice, "Breast cancer is a disease that can be cured with treatment." Then he looked me in the eye and said clearly and emphatically.
"Don't worry, I'll guide you. Let's start the journey."
It was very unexpected to hear such spiritual words from a surgeon. It felt as if I were in church and hearing these words from a pastor. His words shined a ray of light in my heart. Intuitively, I knew I could trust this doctor.
When I told this story to a friend of mine who is a doctor in Japan, she said, "That's something you don't hear from Japanese doctors.” Most Japanese doctors do not talk about things that are not related to treatment. They are so busy that sometimes they do not even fully explain about the treatment. I have also felt several times that the tense atmosphere of doctors in Japanese hospitals was frightening.
Most Japanese doctors, including my friend, are extremely busy every day. Doctors are human beings, and if they are under a lot of stress, they would emit negative energy, which can be transmitted to their patients.
In the theory of "Energy Science" I study, your physical body is surrounded by vitality body, emotional energy body and mental energy body.
When you are near someone with full of negative emotions, you receive them in your emotional body. When you are near someone with negative thoughts, you receive them in your mental body.
In short, negative emotions and thoughts are sent and received through the energy bodies. If your emotional body or mental body continue to be filled with negativity, it will eventually manifest itself as disease in your physical body. So for good health, it is important to stay away from people who are full of negative emotions and thoughts.
Hospitals are, by nature, places where negative emotions such as anxiety and worry gather. If your doctor is irritable or highly stressed, you will be further affected by negativity.
Master Del Pe, my teacher in energy science, says that one of the biggest problems with modern medicine is that doctors themselves are not healthy. Health includes not only physical, vitality level, but also emotional, mental and spiritual level. Ideally, you should be treated by the doctor who is healthy in all respects.
Dr. Valencia, who was cheerful and positive, was a great help to me when I was full of anxiety.
Author's introduction: Chie Hoshiya
Since 2013, she has been living in Manila, Philippines, where she works as a yoga teacher and online Japanese teacher. In 2021, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery and treatment, and in the process of treatment,
encountered energy healing. In 2022,Certified as an Energy Healing Associate Specialist by the World institute for incurable diseases (WIID),founded by Master Del Pe, a world-renowned Healing Master.