賛同者を募集します!! 拡散希望!!賛同フォームはこちら https://forms.office.com/r/tAQ78ibBH4
詳細はhttps://jwli.org/statement_re_asos_sexist_remarks/ JWLI のサイトはhttps://jwli.org/japanese/

28日の講演中、麻生氏は上川陽子外相を、外務大臣と呼ばず「おばさん」と言う女性に対する最も失礼な、年齢を示唆する蔑視 (gender discrimination) な呼び方をした上で、活動は評価をしたものの、女性の容姿を指摘する「そんなに美しい方とは言わない」という不適切な言及を付け加ました。
八幡 真弓/
片桐 葉子/
原 繭子/
品川 優/
財津 三千代/
吉岡 マコ/
八木 純子/
長尾 晴香/
増田 裕子/
森川 美希/
谷岡 理香/
鳴滝 美咲/
牧原 ゆりえ/
杉山 絵理/
伊藤 枝里子/
橘 ジュン/
菊川 あずさ/
野口 登志子/
田中 志保/
村木 真紀/
土肥 いつき/
河田 淳鼓/
野間 麻子/
大嶋 栄子/
片山 由紀/
門間 尚子/
安藤 真由美/
大橋 知子/
矢上 清乃/
石山 亜紀子/
藤原 久美子/
光畑 由佳/
吉井 亜矢/
正治 真紀/
桂木 さちこ/
東上 菜々子/
櫻井 啓子/
大和 陽子/
加藤 美奈子/
赤松 梨江子/
小杉 真澄/
崎村 奏子/
津田 順子/
沢登 理永/
西川 有理子/
澤目 梢/
上池 亜也加/
草野 由貴/
杉浦 加菜子/
高成田 まみ/
瀬戸口 恵美子/
Atsuko Toko Fish, Chair and Founder of JWLI, has publicly demanded an apology from Liberal Democratic Party Vice President Taro Aso for his recent derogatory remarks directed at Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa. Fish submitted a letter of complaint to the Liberal Democratic Party’s website and Mr. Aso’s offices, urging him to apologize to Ms. Kamikawa and women of Japan, and to commit to refraining from such remarks in the future.
To support the below letter of complaint, please fill out the form below.
Agreement Form: https://forms.office.com/r/tAQ78ibBH4
Deadline for Support: February 21(JST)
February 2, 2024
Liberal Democratic Party Vice President Taro Aso’s recent remarks, delivered during a speech in Fukuoka Prefecture on January 28, 2024, were an offensive display of sexism and gender insensitivity, directed at Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa. I demand he apologize and commit to refraining from making any further derogatory sentiments directed at women.
During his speech, Mr. Aso addressed Ms. Kamikawa as “obasan” which translates as old lady with a negative connotation, rather than by her official title, exhibiting ageist and sexist undertones. While praising her skills and performance, his commentary on her physical appearance, “I wouldn’t say she is that beautiful,” was inappropriate and unwarranted.
Additionally, Mr. Aso’s speech contained factual inaccuracies. He not only misspoke Ms. Kamikawa’s name a few times, but also misstated on the record that she was Japan’s first female Foreign Minister, even though she was the third. It is disconcerting that an individual of such significance, who should symbolize freedom and equality in society, made these remarks instead. They undermine the advancement of women within Japanese society.
Although Mr. Aso has since retracted his remarks on February 2, he must earnestly address this issue. I demand he apologize to Foreign Minister Kamikawa and women of Japan, while pledging never to make and disseminate such derogatory remarks about women ever again.
Atsuko Toko Fish
Chair and founder
Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative
