I was admitted to the hospital the afternoon before my surgery. Manila was in the midst of a pandemic at the time (December 2021),but luckily, the number of coronavirus cases was relatively low and the hospital was quiet. However, PCR testing was mandatory for admission to the inpatient ward. My husband, who accompanied me to the hospital, was in the same room with me throughout my five-day stay, as he had to undergo another PCR test once he left the ward. This was truly appreciated and reassuring. I cannot thank him enough.
The first step in the admission process was to pay the deposit at the hospital treasurer. There we reserved a private room. It was the cheapest among the private rooms, but it was spacious enough for my husband and me. It also had a shower and toilet. It was a comfortable room with a nice view from the window.

The hospital room
I was able to request hospital food, so I ordered vegan and gluten-free. The hospital food, with plenty of vegetables, was delicious and I ate my entire first night's dinner.

Hospital food served during my hospital stay
I went to bed before 9 pm. in preparation for the surgery, which began the next morning, but was awakened by the sound of a door opening and a glaring light.
Shortly after 10 pm, the attending surgeon, Dr. Valencia, showed up for a preoperative checkup. After he left, the nurses checked vital signs at 12 am. The rule seemed to be to check vital signs every four hours before surgery. At 2 am, Dr. Abesamis, a plastic surgeon who would be attending the surgery, showed up and at 4 am, another vital sign check.
After a hectic night, the operating room staff came to pick me up from my hospital room around 8 am. With my anxious-looking husband at my back, I was escorted out of my hospital room and onto the floor where the operating room was located.
There I was instructed to change into my surgical gown. On the bed in the surgical waiting room, the anesthesiologist explained the procedure to me. “During the surgery, you will be anesthetized and will not feel any pain, so don't worry. "He knew I was Japanese and spoke slowly and gently.
I was carried from the waiting room to the operating room on a bed. Just as I was getting anxious that it was finally time for surgery, I saw Dr. Valencia standing in the aisle with a smile on his face. He held my hand strongly. Through his hand, I could feel his message, "It's going to be all right.” At that moment, I even seriously thought, "I will follow this person for the rest of my life! Thanks to him, I entered the operating room feeling at ease.
There were about six people in the room, including Dr. Valencia, a breast surgeon, and anesthesiologists. I felt grateful that so many people would worked for my surgery. The ceiling of the operating room was dazzling with lights, and I thought idly, "It's like watching an American medical drama.” That was the last thing I remember before the surgery.
My sense is that I woke up five seconds after that. I had already moved to the waiting room I was in, not the operating room. The surgery was not over in five seconds, in fact, it had taken almost five hours.
The nurse asked me how I was feeling, to which I replied, "Thirsty." It was probably because I had been wearing an oxygen mask the whole time. My mouth was dry.
Then, "Can I have dinner tonight?" I said unconsciously.
I thought to myself that I am a voracious eater. I had just woken up from general anesthesia, my head was foggy, and I was not hungry, but the memory of the delicious hospital food the day before must have instinctively made me say so.
The nurse said, "Yes, of course! You can eat." She replied with a big smile.
According to a friend of mine who is a doctor in Japan, no food is served on the day of general anesthesia. However, the hospital in the Philippines where I underwent surgery was different. A few hours after being returned to my own hospital room, dinner was brought to me, as I had requested.
My left breast was removed during the surgery, so my left arm was immobilized, and my right arm had an IV tube attached to it, so it was difficult to hold chopsticks and plates, but I ate it. I was very happy to be able to eat. I could feel that I was alive.
In energy healing theory, appetite is strongly associated with emotions.

Location of Solar Plexus Chakra
The energy center (chakra) that controls appetite is considered to be the solar plexus chakra, located in the hollow below the breastbone. This chakra controls the stomach and is also where negative emotional energies such as anxiety, worry, fear and anger accumulate. Therefore, when negative emotions are strong, you experience loss of appetite, upset stomach, and nausea.
When negative emotions build up, sooner or later, they have a negative effect on the physical body. Therefore, the energy healing I study focuses on eliminating them through specially designed exercises, meditations, breathing method and healing techniques.
I had a good appetite just after the surgery because the doctors were very attentive to relieve my anxiety about the surgery and my husband was there for me the whole time. On the night of the completed surgery, I was able to go to sleep peacefully and slowly.
Author's introduction: Chie Hoshiya
Since 2013, she has been living in Manila, Philippines, where she works as a yoga teacher and online Japanese teacher. In 2021, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery and treatment, and in the process of treatment, encountered energy healing. In 2022,Certified as an Energy Healing Associate Specialist by the World institute for incurable diseases (WIID),founded by Master Del Pe, a world-renowned Healing Master.