Author: Tetsuya Motohashi
Publisher: Nakanishiya Publishing (April 30,2016)
The Classic animated princess movies such as "Snow White", "Cinderella", and "Sleeping Beauty" that the Disney Productions had produced in the 20th century were imprinted on our DNA as a typical "Happy-ending story" of fairytale princesses.
However,those movies are heavily tinged with the reflections of constraints or prejudices in those days. By reviewing those movies through the viewpoint of gender, race, or economic disparity, it can be seen that there is various issues,
What should be focused on here is the fact that the Disney production itself had conducted such rethinking process after the 21st century, and released the images of princesses which had been concealed under the patriarchalism and heterosexual system. It is indeed a remarkable accomplishment that deserved to be called a "revolution of princess mythology."
In this book, the author tries to analyze those princess movies in detail, as if to factorize them so that we can find a way to think it as a revolution of our lives.
Original article
Translated by T. Muramatsu