Author: Maiko Kodaira
Publisher: Kawade Shobo Shinsha (2016.9.13)
What does “cultural intelligence” mean for woman? In order to understand why women’s dreams have not come true, we can investigate aspects of Japanese liberal arts culture. “Cultural intelligence” is a broad term that encompasses an array of elements from profound knowledge and intelligibility to must-read books, sophisticated hobbies and manners, and the “common sense” that guides our daily interactions. They reflect images and imaginings of femininity particular to an era, which arouse intellectual curiosity and offer an escape ‘from here right now.’ In spite of these positive ambitions, or perhaps because of them, these dreams remain unrealized. In the wrong hands, the ambiguity of “cultural intelligence” enables someone to say “You did a good job, but unfortunately, ‘that’ was not important.”
This book charts particular historical circumstances in modern Japanese society, illuminating how women have struggled with the notion of “cultural intelligence.” I hope everyone reads this book, regardless of whether or not you chose to study liberal arts.
Original Article
Translated by Naoko Uchibori