W-WAN's Original Articles
Декларация W-WAN о мире и солидарности
2022.03.03 Thu
Токио, 3 марта 2022 года Мы против любой войны или насилия. Мы - Worldwide-WAN, группа в рамках Women's Action Network, некоммерческой организации феминисток в Япони…
W-WAN-Erklärung zu Frieden und Solidarität
2022.03.03 Thu
Tokio, 3. März 2022 Wir sind gegen jeden Krieg oder Gewalt. Wir sind Worldwide-WAN, eine Gruppe innerhalb des Women's Action Network, einer gemeinnützigen Organisati…
Worldwide-WAN Peace Declaration of Solidarity
2022.03.03 Thu
Tokyo, March 3, 2022 We oppose any form of violence. We are Worldwide-WAN [W-WAN], a group within the Women’s Action Network, a certified NPO for feminists. Based in …
Japan’s Constitutions Revisited (2) : From Gender-based Alternative Perspective
2018.12.02 Sun
Notable Points and Historical Limitations of Itsukaichi KempoThe Itsukaichi Kempo was drafted in 1881, eight years before the Constitution of the Great Empire of Japan, t…
Japan’s Constitutions Revisited (1) : Discovery of Itsukaichi Kempo Draft in 1968
2018.12.01 Sat
This year marks the 50th anniversary of "1968," which stands for student power, riots, rebels, anti-Vietnam war movements, cultural revolution, and so on. As a matter of …
Lamentable Level of Women's Issues Awareness in Japan: (3) and (4)
2018.04.19 Thu
Lamentable Level of Women's Issues Awareness in Japan: (1) Can the Prime Minister speak for his wife, who is involved in the Moritomo scandal? (2) Can the Finance Ministe…
タグ:女性運動 / 政治 / 女性差別 / セクシュアル・ハラスメント / 政治家
Brief Report of Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2017