W-WAN's Original Articles
2018.04.19 Thu
Lamentable Level of Women's Issues Awareness in Japan: (1) Can the Prime Minister speak for his wife, who is involved in the Moritomo scandal? (2) Can the Finance Ministe…
タグ:女性運動 / 政治 / 女性差別 / セクシュアル・ハラスメント / 政治家
Brief Report of Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2017
To the World from WAGIC: A Feminist Project Originated in China
2017.10.10 Tue
Women and Gender in China (WAGIC), a new blog project, was launched in September 2017. Harriet Evans, Professor Emeritus of Chinese Cultural Studies of the University of …
2016.06.22 Wed
I was in Iceland (IS) for over three weeks from the end of July, 2015. The reason why I decided to contribute my travelogue to WAN is that IS was more feminism-oriented t…
Strongest Earthquakes since 2011 Trigger Anti-/Pro- Nuclear Power Argument
California Scholars Rally Against Japan’s Proposed Security-related Bills on Aug. 27, 2015