Worldwide WAN

The Worldwide WAN (W-WAN) introduces activities of Women's Action Network (WAN) and feminist movements, etc. inside and outside of Japan. We translate selected articles in the main WAN website from Japanese into English as well as other international languages including Chinese and Korean. We also publish W-WAN's original articles on this page.

2012.09.29 Sat

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, Gayatri Chaktravorty Spivak and Trinh T. Minh-ha to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas.


Labels: Eulogies

2012.09.22 Sat

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, Gayatri Chaktravorty Spivak and Trinh T. Minh-ha to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas.


Labels: Eulogies

2012.09.16 Sun

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, Gayatri Chaktravorty Spivak and Trinh T. Minh-ha to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas.


Labels: Eulogies

2012.09.12 Wed

Maiden in Uniform Girl's World connecting women—A film by the women for the women(DVD/ 87 minutes/ Publisher IVC)LitaOn February 1, 1933 the German film, Madchen in Uniform (1931) (Mädchen in Uniform) was released in Japan. It is a well-known episode that Kashiko Kawakita, wife of the president of Towa Shoji Goshi Co. Ltd. at the time (later Toho Towa Company, Ltd.) took fancy to the film during her honeymoon trip to Europe and bought out its dis


Labels: Cinema (C-WAN)

2012.09.10 Mon

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas. I got to know a name of Ms. Kazuko Takemura first t


Labels: Eulogies

2012.08.09 Thu


Labels: Event Information

2012.07.31 Tue

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas. Kazuko.Even though I call your name, I guess you are not going to reply to me anymore.I am sure many people will write about your work, so I’d like to talk about you as a person— a sid


Labels: Eulogies

2012.07.30 Mon

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas. Normal.dotm 0 0 1 15 89 Meiji Gakuin University 1 1 109 12.0 0 false 10 pt 0 2 false false false $([{£¥‘“〈《「『【


Labels: Eulogies

2012.07.07 Sat

To honor the memory of the late Kazuko Takemura, a feminist famous for her activism as well as introducing theorists such as Judith Butler to Japan, WAN is posting a series of eulogies delivered by her fellow activists and scholars both from Japan and overseas."It was my incredible fortune to have known Kazuko. I met her for the first time when I went to Japan in the summer of 2008. As the host of my visit at her university, she offered me the mo


Labels: Eulogies

2012.07.06 Fri

After over forty years of second wave feminism in Japan, Japanese society has definitely changed. The strongest power behind this change were numerous grassroots women’s groups throughout the country. Each group was small, but members were patient and with strong wills. Newsletters and organizational pamphlets from such groups connected women and played a significant role in bringing change in society. Today, many of such groups are experiencing


Labels: Document (D-WAN)

2012.06.30 Sat

“Women Seeking Nuclear-Power-Free World” held gathering on June 2nd, 2012 titled “Stop the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants! We are the women to send out messages. June 2nd 2012” Lecture: How far must we go back to reset ourselves?Lecturer: Masako Sakata  Fifty years ago, Rachel Carson wrote in her book, Silent Spring, “Chemicals are ominous substance just like radioactivity and could change the way this globe is and the life itself. If we do


Labels: Lecture Other

2012.05.12 Sat

The 1000th Protest and Japanese SupportersIn August 1991, former “comfort women,” (Korean women who were forced to serve as sex workers for the Imperial Japanese Army) including Kim Hak-Sun, started to raise their voices. Before then, the issue had only been discussed quietly here and there in postwar Japanese society. Some of these testimonies came from soldiers, partly as romanticized memories of their time spent with these women.One such


Labels: Other

2012.04.30 Mon

Based on Mayor Hashimoto’s “great reset,” measures to promote gender equality are now on the verge of termination. Programs and buildings of Creo Osaka, the city’s center for gender equality, have been determined by the mayor to be “unnecessary”. Only the information and consultation services will be left to a relevant department of the city office. A citizens' group in Osaka protesting against the plan to terminate Creo and promoting gender e


Labels: Event Information

2012.04.30 Mon

TAKEMURA Kazuko passed away in December 2011 at the age of 57 after a one-year battle with a serious illness. She was known as a feminist who introduced Judith Butler and Spivak to Japan as well as for her inspiring thoughts and writings, as represented by such works as About Love and “Post” Feminism. Her lectures were also impressive and unforgettable. In the area of Japanese academic research on gender and feminism it would be hard to find


Labels: Other

2012.04.22 Sun

Women’s Action Network (WAN) will host a symposium on women and media on May 13, 2012 at the University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus. In the development of women's movements in Japan, newsletters have played an important role since the 1970s. WAN is aiming to archive those newsletters electronically so that everyone everywhere can access the collective assets.As a part of this ongoing project, the symposium will explore the relationship between women a


Labels: Event Information

2012.03.26 Mon

Purple Hot Line for Women in Need for Consultation Let us hear from you. Purple Hot Line is a toll-free number you can call anytime, anywhere in case you need immediate help as a result of natural disaster, accident, violence, or at time you are faced with overwhelming difficulties or damages. 0120-941-826 You will be connected to someone who will support you and will try to work out your problems together. Women suffering from the follo



2012.03.26 Mon

Ms. Fukuzawa provides career support and information not only to female college graduates freshly out of universities, but for women of all ages who are contemplating about changing jobs. If you would like to challenge a new career or restart your career, feel free to request a consultation. Your age and career background will not be mentioned. The following is a message sent to Ms. Fukuzawa for consultation on February 21, 2012: File #5: “T



2012.03.25 Sun

“Kiyomi’s Counseling Room” powered by Kiyomi Kawano (Feminist Counselor) With the help of the new media known as the “web,” we are now able to seek counseling from Kiyomi merely by accessing her website from anywhere in the world. Your worries may be the same as those of other women without realizing it. With the use of the Internet, your distress can be shared and understood by other women. Following is a message sent to Kiyomi for consultat



2012.03.18 Sun

In the documentary film Yellow Cake: The Dirt Behind Uranium, German director Joachim Tschirner depicts how the production of uranium, the feedstock of nuclear power, causes radiation exposure and widespread harm. “Yellow cake” refers to uranium in its refined, powdery state that is used in both nuclear weapons and reactors. "By using uranium, you already have a hand in the crime,” he explains in his interview with writer Shin Yamaaki.Photo by Sh


Labels: Cinema (C-WAN)

2012.02.27 Mon

Here is an article by Chizuko Ueno, the managing director of WAN. She is discussing the super-aging society and care insurance system in Japan.Japan’s Long-term Care Insurance System is a Savior in the Super-Aging Society


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