Worldwide WAN

The Worldwide WAN (W-WAN) introduces activities of Women's Action Network (WAN) and feminist movements, etc. inside and outside of Japan. We translate selected articles in the main WAN website from Japanese into English as well as other international languages including Chinese and Korean. We also publish W-WAN's original articles on this page.

2019.02.26 Tue

By Sakura Uchikoshi On August 2, 2018, I held my breath at the news that Tokyo Medical University has deliberately been lowering entrance exam scores of female applicants in order to keep the number of female students below 30%. Not only Tokyo Medical University but Juntendo University, Kitasato University, and St. Mariannna University School of Medicine have, or are suspected of having, similar gender-discriminating scoring practices according



2019.02.24 Sun

奈良女子大学 アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究センターでは、ジェンダー研究の推進とジェンダー公正を実現するために、個人およびグループでの研究に助成を行います。ぜひ応募ください。 詳細は以下のPDFファイルをごらんください。申請書は以下からダウンロードしてください。 In order to promote gender studies and realize gender equality, the Center for Gender and Women's Culture in Asia, Nara Women's University provides support for individual or group-implemented research and research meetings. See more at PDF. 2019年度研究助成申請書.docxApplicationForm.docx


Labels: 助成金

2019.02.22 Fri

일본에 계신 페미니스트와 여성운동단체 등에서 함께 해주시길 요청드리는 내용은 아래 2가지 입니다. 설명이 다소 길긴 하지만 한 번 읽어보시고 연대가 가능하실지 회신 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 제안 1. 유바리영화제에 항의하는 트위터 해시태그, 항의공문 보내기 등 : 영화제측 트위터 계정은 @yubarifanta 입니다. 참고로, 저희 단체가 지난 2월 8일에 트위터 상으로 유바리영화제 측에 문제제기할 때 사용했던 해시태그를 공유드립니다. 트위터로 먼저 문제제기를 하고 일본어 번역을 해서 2월 12일에 공문형식으로 다시 영화제측에 전달하였습니다. 2월 20일까지 영화제의 입장을 보내달라고 요구했는데 회신이 올지는 모르겠습니다. 김기덕 감독 영화가 개막작에서 취소되긴 어려울 것이라는 기사들이 많아서 긍정적인 상황은 아니고요. 그럼에도 불구하고 저희 단체 외에 일본에 계시는 여러 페


Labels: a-한글

2019.01.06 Sun

That’s Why I Wear Makeup --- Survey on Beauty Sense of Our Mates Written by Gekidan Mesuneko (Kashiwa Shobo, 24/10/2018) Buy this book (jump to an Amazon page)I was so excited and thrilled --- this book is written for me. First, I put a tag on the preface. It says “We, in the real world, had been shying away from wearing makeup or being dressed up, because we felt that meant meeting other people’s expectations.” but “Once we found out that m


Labels: Essays Reading

2019.01.01 Tue

Happy New Year! My name is Chizuko Ueno, the Chief Director of the Women's Action Network (WAN). Last year, I went to Mexico, my favorite country, for the first time in a long time. I got this scarf there. It’s so Mexican it makes me feel like I am Frida Kahlo. During the general meeting last year, two of our directors resigned; Yoshiko Kusunose and Miho Ogino had been serving as directors since the founding of the WAN. Our sincere gratitude


Labels: Other

2018.12.18 Tue

The following link goes to an interview with Keiko Ochiai by Kiyomi Kawano. In this interview that provides insight into Ochiai’s works, Kawano asks Ochiai about the novel I Don’t Want to Play in Your Yard, Ochiai’s childhood, career, and feminism. I don't want to play in your yard by Keiko OchiaiPlease apply for your user registration of WAN so that you can post your reviews and /or comments of the book and interview here.



2018.12.18 Tue

The following link goes to a translation of Keiko Ochiai’s novel I don’t Want to Play in Your Yard (133-page PDF file). Keiko Ochiai, seventy four, is a well-known novelist and activist, many of whose works deal with feminism issues in Japan. I don’t Want to Play in Your Yard, published in 1992, is a fictionalized memoir of the author who was an illegitimate daughter. The heart-wrenching story deals with how she came to accept and love her mother



2018.12.02 Sun

Notable Points and Historical Limitations of Itsukaichi KempoThe Itsukaichi Kempo was drafted in 1881, eight years before the Constitution of the Great Empire of Japan, the Meiji Constitution, was promulgated, and is so named after the local village where its existence was discovered in 1968. Ever since, the draft has been highly regarded in the following aspects: First of all, it attached importance to the rights of Japanese nationals, instead o


Labels: W-WAN's Original Articles

2018.12.01 Sat

This year marks the 50th anniversary of "1968," which stands for student power, riots, rebels, anti-Vietnam war movements, cultural revolution, and so on. As a matter of fact, in 1968 Japan was in the midst of high economic growth. It was also the 100th year since the Meiji Restoration, which marked the end of the Edo period ruled by the Tokugawa shogunate and a restoration of the imperial rule under Emperor Meiji. The government of Japan, then h


Labels: W-WAN's Original Articles

2018.10.31 Wed

Refreshing and pure, yet subtly moving -- such an emotional remark about scholarly work is not appropriate, I know. But this is my honest impression after reading. The theme of the book is Woman-Ribu (Women’s Liberation or second-wave feminism) at the beginning of the 1970’s. According to the afterword, the author was born in 1985. Not a Ribu-daughter but rather a Ribu-granddaughter to my generation. This book is a celebration of the birth of a


Labels: Essays

2018.10.20 Sat

JAPANESE-GERMAN CENTER BERLIN [JDZB] KEIZAI KOHO CENTER [KKC] FRIEDRICH EBERT FOUNDATION [FES] Supported by GERMAN INSTITUTE FOR JAPANESE STUDIES [DIJ] TENTATIVE PROGRAMME for the symposium Work style reform – how will home, company and society shine more and how can gender equality (alternatively: equal opportunities for men and women) contribute? Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at Keidanren Kaikan, Tokyo Languages: English and Japanese 14:00 h Ope


Labels: Event Information

2018.10.15 Mon

In addition to Tokyo Medical University, other schools also have a quota for restricting the proportion of female students. Since 2011, Tokyo Medical University allegedly manipulated the scores of entrance examinations so as to keep the ratio of female students below 30%. The girls’ written examination scores were reduced. This injustice was revealed this past summer and has been widely talked about. However it appears that such cases were not li


Labels: Essays

2018.10.01 Mon

Title "Why People Abandoned Their Own Babies: The Truth of a Baby Hatch" Author NHK reporters Date May, 2018 Publisher NHK PublishingIt has been a decade since a baby hatch or the Konotori-no-yurikago (Cradle of Storks) was set up in Jikei Hospital in the city of Kumamoto in 2007. 130 babies were left there over a 10-year period. This book, entitled “Why People Abandoned Their Own Babies: The Truth of a Baby Hatch," was written by NHK reporter


Labels: Reading

2018.09.18 Tue

Shou ARAI is a prolific manga artist whose works are based on his own life as an intersex. He teaches how to draw manga at a college in Nagoya. Also he is a pioneer in sex education who educates on the issues plainly and comically. Based on his own experiences and the facts he saw with his own eyes, Arai's works are not just fantasy and fiction. They provide in-depth knowledge on LGBTs, intersex people and other sexual minorities. One of his po


Labels: Cinema (C-WAN)

2018.08.16 Thu

This article was reproduced from the following website. Invitation We would like to invite you to participate in the 6th International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector by registering now. Note that the deadline for the Early Bird Registration is the 1st of September 2018. Work related aggression and violence within the health and social services sector is a m


Labels: Event Information

2018.08.02 Thu

*この記事は、「女手ひとつ」はもうやめましょう(やはり気になることば・26)遠藤織枝 の繁体字翻訳です。簡体字版はこちらからどうぞ。 正當我盯著電視新聞看時,畫面中出現一位T女士,她的5位親人在沖繩戰役中喪生。主播播報的時候說道:這位女士的母親「身為女人家一手拉拔」T女士長大成人。 這句話經常用來形容經歷了與丈夫生離或死別的女性,獨自一人養育兒女,扶養兒女長大成人。說是常套句也不為過。這宛如是一句稱讚女性的話,形容她們含辛茹苦養育子女長大成人非常了不起。很類似於「一介弱女子」這樣的說法。 我還搜尋了一下新聞報導。 一位母親一手拉拔6位子女長大成人…每日新聞3月19日 與兩位姊姊都是由母親敏子一手拉拔長大。朝日新聞1月9日 等等之類的,馬上就找到這些。失去丈夫的女性獨自扶養6名子女並非一件普通的事情。想必是嚐盡無數辛苦與淚水。能夠完成這項任務的母親真是了不起。再怎麼誇都不嫌多。 但是,等一等。這是在讚美嗎?這句話真的是在讚美女性嗎?我們


Labels: Essays a-中文繁体字

2018.08.02 Thu

*この記事は、「女手ひとつ」はもうやめましょう(やはり気になることば・26)遠藤織枝 の簡体字翻訳です。繁体字版はこちらからどうぞ。 正当我盯着电视新闻看时,画面中出现一位T女士,她的5位亲人在冲绳战役中丧生。主播播报的时候说道:“这位女士的母亲“身为女人家一手拉拔”T女士长大成人。” 这句话经常用来形容经历了与丈夫生离或死别的女性,独自一人养育儿女,扶养儿女长大成人。说是常套句也不为过。这宛如是一句称赞女性的话,形容她们含辛茹苦养育子女长大成人非常了不起。很类似于“一介弱女子”这样的说法。 我还搜寻了一下新闻报导。 一位母亲一手拉拔6位子女长大成人…每日新闻3月19日 与两位姐姐都是由母亲敏子一手拉拔长大。朝日新闻1月9日 等等之类的,马上就找到这些。失去丈夫的女性独自扶养6名子女并非一件普通的事情。想必是尝尽无数辛苦与泪水。能够完成这项任务的母亲真是了不起。再怎么夸都不嫌多。 但是,等一等。这是在赞美吗?这句话真的是在赞美女性吗?


Labels: Essays a-中文簡体字

2018.08.02 Thu

*本記事は #MeToo革命が始まった 韓国、#MeToo運動や支持運動の拡散で変化が始まった の繁体字翻訳記事です。簡体字翻訳記事はこちらからどうぞ。 與#MeToo運動一起的市民行動 以上是2018年5月17日,韓國某日刊新聞全幅廣告上的宣言。此即「響應#MeToo運動的一萬人市民行動」。在同日新聞的第7頁,不僅刊登了全幅廣告,並寫滿有意響應宣言者的姓名。 #MeToo運動已在全世界掀起旋風。今年1月底,韓國一名現職女檢察官,以真名告發檢察局內部的性騷擾,之後,#MeToo運動便如火如荼地開展。此外,一名詩人告發其受獲諾貝爾提名文學獎小說家性騷擾;秘書告發一名有可能當選總統的政治家性暴力;女演員揭露名導演與演員間的性暴力等。女性們持續地告發文化界、學界、政界等具有高度影響力及認知度加害者的性暴力,並挺身作證。 實際上,自2016年江南車站女性殺人事件*後,在氣勢高揚的女性運動氛圍中,女性們英勇的告發持續不斷。她們訴說韓國社會的厭女症,並吐露日常生活中所體驗的性暴力及遭受


Labels: Other a-中文繁体字

2018.08.02 Thu

*この記事は、平山亮さん講演会『メンズプロジェクト講演会「介護する男たちの困難とは?」~迫りくる「息子介護」の時代を考える~』に参加して 永野眞理 の繁体字翻訳です。簡体字翻訳記事は、こちらからどうぞ。 如果我說「真是過癮」,不知道會不會很失禮。2018年3月3日去聽了一場在WithYou埼玉舉辦由平山亮先生所主講的演講,結束後第一句脫口而出的就是「好過癮」。聆聽演講時,真數不清到底笑了多少次。  演講的主旨與講者的著作『負責照護的兒子們』相關,如同演講的主題「男性企劃」,假如真硬要說,這是一場講給男性聽的演講。而當天我會去參加也是因為內心有所期待才去的。 剛好就在一年前,我擔任志工的地方上野的課堂討論請來了平山先生舉辦書評單元,我有幸擔任講評,因而事前不斷地反覆閱讀了好幾遍這本書。一開始讀的時候抱持著來找碴的想法,想著哪裡可以吐嘈一番,讀到後來卻反而對書中所寫的內容感到贊同並且「好啊!好啊!」不斷地為其喝彩,後來我的講評絲毫擠


Labels: Ueno Seminar a-中文繁体字

2018.08.01 Wed



Labels: a-中文簡体字

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> 会員限定プレゼント


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