Worldwide WAN

The Worldwide WAN (W-WAN) introduces activities of Women's Action Network (WAN) and feminist movements, etc. inside and outside of Japan. We translate selected articles in the main WAN website from Japanese into English as well as other international languages including Chinese and Korean. We also publish W-WAN's original articles on this page.

2018.08.02 Thu

*この記事は、「女手ひとつ」はもうやめましょう(やはり気になることば・26)遠藤織枝 の繁体字翻訳です。簡体字版はこちらからどうぞ。 正當我盯著電視新聞看時,畫面中出現一位T女士,她的5位親人在沖繩戰役中喪生。主播播報的時候說道:這位女士的母親「身為女人家一手拉拔」T女士長大成人。 這句話經常用來形容經歷了與丈夫生離或死別的女性,獨自一人養育兒女,扶養兒女長大成人。說是常套句也不為過。這宛如是一句稱讚女性的話,形容她們含辛茹苦養育子女長大成人非常了不起。很類似於「一介弱女子」這樣的說法。 我還搜尋了一下新聞報導。 一位母親一手拉拔6位子女長大成人…每日新聞3月19日 與兩位姊姊都是由母親敏子一手拉拔長大。朝日新聞1月9日 等等之類的,馬上就找到這些。失去丈夫的女性獨自扶養6名子女並非一件普通的事情。想必是嚐盡無數辛苦與淚水。能夠完成這項任務的母親真是了不起。再怎麼誇都不嫌多。 但是,等一等。這是在讚美嗎?這句話真的是在讚美女性嗎?我們


Labels: Essays a-中文繁体字

2018.08.02 Thu

*この記事は、「女手ひとつ」はもうやめましょう(やはり気になることば・26)遠藤織枝 の簡体字翻訳です。繁体字版はこちらからどうぞ。 正当我盯着电视新闻看时,画面中出现一位T女士,她的5位亲人在冲绳战役中丧生。主播播报的时候说道:“这位女士的母亲“身为女人家一手拉拔”T女士长大成人。” 这句话经常用来形容经历了与丈夫生离或死别的女性,独自一人养育儿女,扶养儿女长大成人。说是常套句也不为过。这宛如是一句称赞女性的话,形容她们含辛茹苦养育子女长大成人非常了不起。很类似于“一介弱女子”这样的说法。 我还搜寻了一下新闻报导。 一位母亲一手拉拔6位子女长大成人…每日新闻3月19日 与两位姐姐都是由母亲敏子一手拉拔长大。朝日新闻1月9日 等等之类的,马上就找到这些。失去丈夫的女性独自扶养6名子女并非一件普通的事情。想必是尝尽无数辛苦与泪水。能够完成这项任务的母亲真是了不起。再怎么夸都不嫌多。 但是,等一等。这是在赞美吗?这句话真的是在赞美女性吗?


Labels: Essays a-中文簡体字

2018.08.02 Thu

*本記事は #MeToo革命が始まった 韓国、#MeToo運動や支持運動の拡散で変化が始まった の繁体字翻訳記事です。簡体字翻訳記事はこちらからどうぞ。 與#MeToo運動一起的市民行動 以上是2018年5月17日,韓國某日刊新聞全幅廣告上的宣言。此即「響應#MeToo運動的一萬人市民行動」。在同日新聞的第7頁,不僅刊登了全幅廣告,並寫滿有意響應宣言者的姓名。 #MeToo運動已在全世界掀起旋風。今年1月底,韓國一名現職女檢察官,以真名告發檢察局內部的性騷擾,之後,#MeToo運動便如火如荼地開展。此外,一名詩人告發其受獲諾貝爾提名文學獎小說家性騷擾;秘書告發一名有可能當選總統的政治家性暴力;女演員揭露名導演與演員間的性暴力等。女性們持續地告發文化界、學界、政界等具有高度影響力及認知度加害者的性暴力,並挺身作證。 實際上,自2016年江南車站女性殺人事件*後,在氣勢高揚的女性運動氛圍中,女性們英勇的告發持續不斷。她們訴說韓國社會的厭女症,並吐露日常生活中所體驗的性暴力及遭受


Labels: Other a-中文繁体字

2018.08.02 Thu

*この記事は、平山亮さん講演会『メンズプロジェクト講演会「介護する男たちの困難とは?」~迫りくる「息子介護」の時代を考える~』に参加して 永野眞理 の繁体字翻訳です。簡体字翻訳記事は、こちらからどうぞ。 如果我說「真是過癮」,不知道會不會很失禮。2018年3月3日去聽了一場在WithYou埼玉舉辦由平山亮先生所主講的演講,結束後第一句脫口而出的就是「好過癮」。聆聽演講時,真數不清到底笑了多少次。  演講的主旨與講者的著作『負責照護的兒子們』相關,如同演講的主題「男性企劃」,假如真硬要說,這是一場講給男性聽的演講。而當天我會去參加也是因為內心有所期待才去的。 剛好就在一年前,我擔任志工的地方上野的課堂討論請來了平山先生舉辦書評單元,我有幸擔任講評,因而事前不斷地反覆閱讀了好幾遍這本書。一開始讀的時候抱持著來找碴的想法,想著哪裡可以吐嘈一番,讀到後來卻反而對書中所寫的內容感到贊同並且「好啊!好啊!」不斷地為其喝彩,後來我的講評絲毫擠


Labels: Ueno Seminar a-中文繁体字

2018.08.01 Wed



Labels: a-中文簡体字

2018.08.01 Wed

*この記事は、平山亮さん講演会『メンズプロジェクト講演会「介護する男たちの困難とは?」~迫りくる「息子介護」の時代を考える~』に参加して 永野眞理 の中国語版(簡字体)です。 如果我说“真是过瘾”,不知道会不会很失礼。2018年3月3日去听了一场在WithYou埼玉举办由平山亮先生所主讲的演讲,结束后第一句脱口而出的就是“好过瘾”。聆听演讲时,真数不清到底笑了多少次。  演讲的主旨与讲者的著作『负责照护的儿子们』相关,如同演讲的主题“男性企划”,假如真硬要说,这是一场讲给男性听的演讲。而当天我会去参加也是因为内心有所期待才去的。 刚好就在一年前,我担任志工的地方上野的课堂讨论请来了平山先生举办书评单元,我有幸担任讲评,因而事前不断地反覆阅读了好几遍这本书。一开始读的时候抱持着来找碴的想法,想着哪里可以吐嘈一番,读到后来却反而对书中所写的内容感到赞同并且“好啊!好啊!”不断地为其喝彩


Labels: Ueno Seminar a-中文簡体字

2018.08.01 Wed

Members of the Liberal Democratic Party continue to make inappropriate and insulting comments. I’m especially speechless and dumbfounded by the comment recently made by the party’s secretary general Toshihiro Nikai. According to Asahi Newspaper issued on Jun 27, in a speech he gave in Tokyo, he said: “There are people who selfishly think not bearing children leads to a happier life” and “For everyone to be happy, people should make a lot of



2018.07.13 Fri

2018.04.01 Sun 正当我盯着电视新闻看时,画面中出现一位T女士,她的5位亲人在冲绳战役中丧生。主播播报的时候说道:“这位女士的母亲“身为女人家一手拉拔”T女士长大成人。” 这句话经常用来形容经历了与丈夫生离或死别的女性,独自一人养育儿女,扶养儿女长大成人。说是常套句也不为过。这宛如是一句称赞女性的话,形容她们含辛茹苦养育子女长大成人非常了不起。很类似于“一介弱女子”这样的说法。 我还搜寻了一下新闻报导。 一位母亲一手拉拔6位子女长大成人…每日新闻3月19日 与两位姐姐都是由母亲敏子一手拉拔长大。朝日新闻1月9日 等等之类的,马上就找到这些。失去丈夫的女性独自扶养6名子女并非一件普通的事情。想必是尝尽无数辛苦与泪水。能够完成这项任务的母亲真是了不起。再怎么夸都不嫌多。 但是,等一等。这是在赞美吗?这句话真的是在赞美女性吗?我们试着比较以下这两句话。 A:MIDORI女士的先生很早就过世了,她一面工作赚钱一面拉拔2个孩子长大


Labels: What's New a-中文簡体字

2018.06.30 Sat

My friend called M, who suffered from brain infarction, has been certified as requiring “Long-term Care Level 2,” and now is living with her oldest daughter, utilizing various care services from home. She has three grandchildren, who are university students --- one boy and two girls. They sometimes help M go to day care. M’s daughter always gives her a pep talk, encouraging her to walk more in order to stay healthy and avoid becoming bedridden.


Labels: Essays

2018.06.18 Mon

I have a problem with my husband. We have been married for seven years. Since we first met, he has decided on every issue and I’ve felt quite uncomfortable about his behavior. After a while, he began to criticize my house chores and has tried to scold me after/when I couldn’t finish the 50 house chore items made by him. I was frightened. Some weekends, he “preaches” me all night. Finally I became sick which made me leave my part-time job. The con


Labels: Online Counseling

2018.06.12 Tue

James Baldwin(1924-1987)― what a nostalgic name! This name gives me pain because I remember the time when I read his novel Giovanni’s Room as a young girl. I am not your negro is based upon Baldwin’s uncompleted book Remember this House, which he started writing in 1979. The director Raul Peck traced Baldwin’ activities by collecting all kinds of data about him ― interviews, essays, lectures, TV talks ― and made this documentary film in 2016. R



2018.05.31 Thu

Report by Yayo OKANO 2018.05.08 Tue On May 7, about 80 female and male protesters gathered in Kyoto to raise their voice against the remarks by Taro ASO, the Japanese Finance Minister, on sexual harassment. Mr. Aso said "There's no such thing as 'sexual harassment charge' in Japan” when asked about public criticism against a case of sexual harassment allegedly committed by the ministry's top bureaucrat. The minister's comment drew harsh criticis


Labels: Other

2018.05.12 Sat

(1) Can the Prime Minister speak for his wife, who is involved in the Moritomo scandal? (2) Can the Finance Minister decide that his vice minister's sexual harassment is not serious enough to be punished? (3) Is the sumo-ring so sacred traditionally that it should be cleansed of women? (4) Can't marriage be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes in the case of Princess Mako?(3) Sumo is a Japanese one-on-one fighting sport, usually known a


Labels: W-WAN's Original Articles

2018.05.06 Sun

‘Toward a Comparative History of War and Sexual Violence’Edited by Ueno Chizuko, Araragi Shinzo, and Hirai Kazuko ‘Toward a Comparative History of War and Sexual Violence’ (published February 2018 by Iwanami Shoten) Program Date and time: 2018/05/13 (Sunday) 13:00 - 18:00 Hosts: Araragi Shinzo and Sato Fumika 13:00 Greeting by the representative editor Ueno Chizuko 13:10 Part 1 Comments: How to read ‘Toward a Comparative History of War and S


Labels: Event Information

2018.04.25 Wed

Lamentable Level of Awareness of Women's Issues in Japan: (1) Can the Prime Minister speak for his wife, who is involved in the Moritomo scandal? (2) Can the Finance Minister decide that his vice minister's sexual harassment is not serious enough to be punished? (3) Is the sumo-ring so sacred traditionally that it should be cleansed of women? (4) Can't marriage be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes in the case of Princess Mako? (2)


Labels: W-WAN's Original Articles

2018.04.19 Thu

Lamentable Level of Women's Issues Awareness in Japan: (1) Can the Prime Minister speak for his wife, who is involved in the Moritomo scandal? (2) Can the Finance Minister decide that his vice minister's sexual harassment is not serious enough to be punished? (3) Is the sumo-ring so sacred traditionally that it should be cleansed of women? (4) Can't marriage be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes in the case of Princess Mako?(1) Can th


Labels: W-WAN's Original Articles

2018.03.29 Thu

NEW / NOUVEAU / NOVO Labrys, etudes féministes/ estudos feministas number 31 is now online: Labrys, études féministes/ estudos feministas, numéro 31 en ligne: Labrys, études féministes/ estudos feministas, número 31 já está online: ENJOY IT! Bonne Lecture / Boa leitura! Tania navarro swain, PhD -Editor/éditeure/editora email:


Labels: What's New

2018.03.16 Fri

By Orie Endo This article was in The Asahi Shimbun newspaper, February 22nd, on page 7 of the Tokyo edition. The headline reads: College Enrollment Will Drop by 120 Thousand by 2040. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has announced that, although college enrollment rates will grow by 2040, the number of students is projected to decline by 20% because the entire 18-year-old population will shrink. The


Labels: Essays

2018.03.11 Sun

Here are some photos from Women's March Tokyo, held on International Women's Day on March 8th. Mari Nagano, who is leading the volunteer staff team of WAN's Ueno Seminar, joined the event for the first time and took many photos.


Labels: Organizations

2018.03.01 Thu

QUESTION FROM READER・・・・・   I am a housewife in my 50s and have a son and a daughter who are already married with their own children. Recently I have been feeling uncomfortable because my son seems to be taken by his wife’s family. My son with children visit me only in summer vacations and New Year Days. He goes abroad often for business. During that time, his wife returns to her parents’ home. The wife has a married sister living nearby. It lo

