Worldwide WAN

The Worldwide WAN (W-WAN) introduces activities of Women's Action Network (WAN) and feminist movements, etc. inside and outside of Japan. We translate selected articles in the main WAN website from Japanese into English as well as other international languages including Chinese and Korean. We also publish W-WAN's original articles on this page.

2021.03.19 Fri

天眼2103 東京奧運會和殘奧會組委會前任會長森喜朗的辭職,是國內外輿論共同作用的結果。 起初,森喜朗的問題發言被報導時,大家或許只是感歎“又來了”、“果然又是這樣”,卻也對此無可奈何。森喜朗本人及周遭同僚,都低估了這次不當言論的後果。他們預想,只要森喜朗收回問題發言並致歉,便可息事寧人,所以力爭讓其留任會長一職。然而,在召開記者會道歉時,森喜朗一副不知錯在何處的樣子無疑是火上澆油,最終導致事態無法挽回。國際奧會(IOC)也在中途改變了態度。有人說,森喜朗的辭職是迫於海外輿論的壓力,但事實不僅如此。在日本國內,年輕女性在change.org網站上發起要求森喜朗辭職的署名運動,轉眼間就獲得了15萬人的支持。 森喜朗發言的問題所在,第一是對性別的刻板印象。他聲稱“有女性在場的會議時間過長”,然而會議的長短,與是否有女性參加無關。即便森喜朗有過類似經歷,那麼也存在第二個問題——會議時間長又有何不妥?會議是一種合議機制,而所謂民主主義,是需要花費較高成本來達成社會合意的一種手續。森喜


Labels: a-中文繁体字

2021.03.15 Mon

5月17日深夜1点,在首尔市中心江南站附近的一个男女共用厕所内,一名23岁女性被34岁的陌生男子用刀刺死。该男子犯下罪行前在厕所等候了3小时,受害者进入厕所前,先后共有6名男性使用过公共厕所,但该男子并未将他们作为犯罪对象。男子被捕后,谈及犯罪动机,说道:“因为我被女人们无视了。”事件发生后,韩国的众多年轻女性怀着悲伤与恐惧,鼓起勇气,为成为厌女症牺牲品的23岁女性哀悼,同时开始向以男性为中心的韩国社会发起挑战。 自17日杀人事件发生后,在江南站的10号出口——韩国大都市的市中心,追悼受害者的便利贴一张接一张地多了起来,点燃的蜡烛、遍地的菊花和玫瑰也在诉说着人们的哀悼之情。一位女性带来了一捆便利贴,一位女性带来了一匝笔,还有一位女性搬来了一个桌子放在江南站的10号出口。为受害者祈祷冥福的便利贴上写着“希望再也不要发生这样的事件了”、“停止厌女症吧”、“一直被教导不可以惹男人生气,应该一直约束自己的行为,不可以穿招致强奸的衣服,不可以玩到深夜等等,而现在连独自去厕所都不可以


Labels: a-中文簡体字

2021.03.15 Mon

5月17日深夜1點,在首爾市中心江南站附近的一個男女共用廁所內,一名23歲女性被34歲的陌生男子用刀刺死。該男子犯下罪行前在廁所等候了3小時,受害者進入廁所前,先後共有6名男性使用過公共廁所,但該男子並未將他們作為犯罪對象。男子被捕後,談及犯罪動機,說道:“因為我被女人們無視了。”事件發生後,韓國的眾多年輕女性懷著悲傷與恐懼,鼓起勇氣,為成為厭女症犧牲品的23歲女性哀悼,同時開始向以男性為中心的韓國社會發起挑戰。 自17日殺人事件發生後,在江南站的10號出口——韓國大都市的市中心,追悼受害者的便利貼一張接一張地多了起來,點燃的蠟燭、遍地的菊花和玫瑰也在訴說著人們的哀悼之情。一位女性帶來了一捆便利貼,一位女性帶來了一匝筆,還有一位女性搬來了一個桌子放在江南站的10號出口。為受害者祈禱冥福的便利貼上寫著“希望再也不要發生這樣的事件了”、“停止厭女症吧”、“一直被教導不可以惹男人生氣,應該一直約束自己的行為,不可以穿招致強姦的衣服,不可以玩到深夜等等,而現在連獨自去廁所都不可


Labels: a-中文繁体字

2021.03.04 Thu

2月10日、유엔 국제여성지위협회로부터 「모리 요시로・공익재단법인 도쿄올림픽・패럴림픽 경기대회 조직위원회 회장직 사직에 대한 요망서를 받았습니다.」 다음은 발췌한 내용입니다. 내년에는 일본보고의 심사에 해당하는 유엔여성차별철폐위원회에서도 이번 모리 요시로씨의 발언을 포함한 일본 여성을 둘러싼 성차별의 실태에 대해 문의가 있었으며, 우려하고 있습니다. 조직위원회 회장이라는 지위를 가진 모리요시로씨는 노골적인 성차별 발언을 하였다는 점에서 조직위원회로부터 일본이 예전부터 가지고 있는 젠더 차별을 용인하고 있는 것으로 보여 진다고 하였습니다. 자세한 내용은 아래의 파일을 참고하세요. 도쿄 올림픽조직위원회에 국제여성지위협회로부터의 사직 요망서 東京オリパラ組織委員会への国際女性の地位協会からの要望書0210PDF.pdf NPO법인 일본BPW연합회의 사직 요망서 認定 NPO 法人日本 BPW 連合会


Labels: a-한글

2021.02.15 Mon

지난 해는 코로나19과 함께 시작되어 코로나19로 끝났습니다. 코로나 위기가 이렇게 오래 갈 줄은 아무도 예상하지 못 했습니다. 여러분의 주변 코로나에 감염된 분, 코로나로 인해 돌아가신 분은 안 계시는지요? 사랑하는 사람들이 모두 안전하고 건강하게 지내길 바랍니다. 이러한 상황이기에 WAN은 온라인 플랫폼을 운영하며 저는 올해 신년사를 온라인으로 합니다. 이 영상을 봐 주세요. 지난해 초 코로나 위기가 그리 심각하지 않았던 시기에 이 영상을 올렸습니다. 누군지 궁금하하셨을 거예요. 이러한 동영상의 코스프레이로 WAN 서포터즈 캠페인을 하여, 100명의 서포터즈를 모았습니다. 많은 기부금으로 한 해를 시작할 수 있어서 기쁘게 생각하고 있습니다. 이어 지난 1월에는 히구치 게이코 이사장이 맡고 있는 WAN과 WABAS가 처음으로 함께 심포지엄을 열어 고령화 사회를 위한 장기요


Labels: Commemoration a-한글

2021.01.20 Wed

Happy New Year! I’m Chizuko Ueno, Director of WAN. The previous year opened with the coronavirus and ended with the coronavirus. No one expected that the crisis would last this long. I hope your loved ones are all keeping safe and healthy. WAN is an online platform anyway, so I’m giving my new year’s speech online this year. I’d like you to take a look at this. At the beginning of the last year, when the corona crisis wasn’t that ser


Labels: Commemoration What's New

2020.09.11 Fri

Translated by TAJIMA, Miho Ishiuchi Miyako and Ueno Chizuko, "The Story of Two Women: Miyako and Chihiro" Date: Saturday, November 30, 201915:00 - 16:30 Venue: Chihiro Art Museum Tokyo Ishiuchi Miyako (photographer) and Ueno Chizuko (sociologist) discuss what it means for women to work and live, focusing on the lifestyles of Fujikura Miyako (Ishiuchi's mother) and Iwasaki Chihiro. Click here for the event video (in Japanese) Moderator: Today,


Labels: Art (A-WAN)

2020.08.14 Fri

Back in May this year, WAN’s Director Chizuko UENO received an invitation to become a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The following is the invitation letter. ____________ Dear Professor Ueno: On behalf of the Officers and members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, we are pleased to announce your election to the Academy and warmly welcome you as a new member. Founded in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and S


Labels: Other

2020.06.20 Sat

Willkommensnachricht von Chizuko Ueno Herzlichen Glückwunsch, und wilkommen an der N Koko Oberschule! Ihr werdet diese Beitrittszeremonie im Frühling des Coronavirus wohl nie vergessen. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen hielten viele Schulen davon ab, Beitritts- und Abschlusszeremonien zu halten, und manche Universitäten fingen damit an, Online Kurse anzubieten. Der Coronavirus hat den technologiebasierten Fernunterricht gefördert, doch die N Koko Ob


Labels: Essays

2020.06.11 Thu

Welcome Message from Chizuko Ueno: Congratulations, and welcome to N Koko High School! You will never forget this entrance ceremony in the spring of the Covid-19. Due to the restrictions, many schools have refrained from holding graduation and entrance ceremonies, and some universities have begun to offer online courses. The Covid-19 crisis has been fostering technology-enhanced distance learning, but N High School is an online high school an


Labels: Essays

2020.06.09 Tue

“Junko, deberías ayudar con las tareas domésticas, porque eres una chica”. “junko, no ncesitas estudiar mucho porque eres una chica”. Cuando era niña, siempre me decían: “...porque eres una chica”. Incluso ahora que soy una emleada, me dicen: “las empleadas deben servir té a todos los empleados cada mañana”. ¿Debemos mantener los roles socialmente construidos para las mujeres, desde nuestra infancia hasta la vejez? ¿Debería mantenerse la trad


Labels: Essays

2020.06.09 Tue

Introducción La doctora Chizuko Ueno es una pionera en los estudios de género en Japón y actualmente es directora de la Red de Acción de Mujeres (Women's Action Network: WAN). El año pasado dio un discurso de felicitación en la ceremonia de matrícula de la Universidad de Tokyo, provocando un gran impacto a la sociedad japonesa. Así mismo, este año, la doctora Ueno dirigió palabras de felicitación a los 5,565 nuevos estudiantes de N Bachillerato d


Labels: Event Information Lecture

2020.04.08 Wed

This article is a brief introduction of a recently-published feminism-related book in Japan co-authored by our Director Chizuko UENO. She is Japan’s foremost pioneering scholar of feminism to whom women of later generations like myself owe much of the freedom we enjoy now. When I was a university student back in the 80s in Kyoto, Ueno was teaching sociology at a nearby tandai, a women’s two-year college. I remember that my high school female fr


Labels: Reading

2020.01.12 Sun



2020.01.06 Mon

Chizuko Ueno appeared at a talk show of the 24th International Conference for Women in Business held in Tokyo on July 7th, 2019. It was the first time that Chizuko Ueno participated in a business conference. The International Conference for Women in Business is a conference held and chaired by the founder and CEO of ewoman, Inc., Kaori Sasaki to provide learning and networking opportunities for women business leaders. Themes of the conference ref



2020.01.05 Sun

Even in this digital age in which many people send their New Year’s greetings through email or social media, nengajo, the New Year’s card, is still very popular. Since I was teaching at a university, New Year’s cards from my former students are especially delightful for me. From their messages and updates I can recall their faces immediately. In those New Year’s cards I find a good number of ones with some strange name of a man written as the s


Labels: Essays

2020.01.01 Wed

Happy New Year! This is Chizuko Ueno, Director of WAN. Last year, I went viral with this [speech at the University of Tokyo]! So I got great media exposure, and thanks to that, WAN became widely known. Last year was our 10th anniversary. We held a symposium, “Active Feminism Again – Changing Society with Our Anger.” We went back to where we’d started. When WAN was born, there was a massive backlash against feminism. But after 10 years, thin


Labels: ビデオメッセージ

2019.12.28 Sat

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu ihrem Eintritt in die Universität Tokio. Sie sind hier, weil Sie eine harte Konkurrenz an Aufnahmeprüfungen geschafft haben. Die aktuelle Realität der Studentinnen Sie haben wahrscheinlich keinen Zweifel daran, dass die von Ihnen abgenommene Aufnahmeprüfung auf faire Weise durchgeführt wurde. Letztes Jahr wurde jedoch bekannt, dass die Tokio Medical University die Zulassungsverfahren manipuliert hat und weibliche und


Labels: Lecture

2019.09.07 Sat

Autoras: Setsuko Thurlow y Yumi Kanazaki Editor: Iwanami Shoten Precio: 1,800 yenes (más impuestos) Kiyomi Kawano “Hikari ni mukatte hatte ike -Kaku naki sekai wo oimotomete (Arrástrate hacia la Luz – Persiguiendo un mundo sin armas nucleares)”, es la autobiografía de Setsuko Thurlow, quien dio su discurso durante la ceremonia del Premio Nobel de la Paz, en diciembre de 2017, como representante de una de las hibakusha (sobrevivientes de la bomb


Labels: Reading

2019.08.24 Sat

In summer 2019, Women's Action Network received a pleasant offer of donation from Menaka Maruthainar, an organizer of a high school Japanese culture study group in the U.K. Unfortunately at this point, WAN does not accept payment by Pay-Pal or credit card from overseas, so we politely declined the kind offer. However, Worldwide WAN asked her to write about their activities. -----------------------------------------------------------------------


Labels: Organizations