Worldwide WAN

The Worldwide WAN (W-WAN) introduces activities of Women's Action Network (WAN) and feminist movements, etc. inside and outside of Japan. We translate selected articles in the main WAN website from Japanese into English as well as other international languages including Chinese and Korean. We also publish W-WAN's original articles on this page.

2021.08.16 Mon

I received another request for advice from a woman. Here is my response. I hope this will help her. ************************ Haruko (Age: 34) This is going to be lengthy, but please read until the end. I have been fighting hard in a male-dominated society for a long time, and I have ended up feeling lonely. I am beginning to feel that the way I have lived my life is wrong, and I would like to rethink how to live my life as a woman. I wasn


Labels: わたしのイチオシ

2021.07.21 Wed

You may be surprised to see this unlikely alliance between an ex-diplomat, Mr. Iimura and a notorious feminist scholar and activist, Chizuko Ueno, myself. Believe it or not, we had never met before we started this campaign. Diplomats are those who would never resist the order from their home country, and it is clear that Mr. Iimura can feel free to say whatever he wants to say only after his retirement. I was deeply impressed even such person lik



2021.07.10 Sat

The #Me Too movement has spread around the world to reveal the damage caused by sexual violence and sexual harassment. Many people raised their voices to say, “time’s up!”. In other words, it's time to say goodbye to the world in which women are treated as objects and forced to tolerate inequality and instead to raise our voices as subjects. In Japan, where “Flower Demonstrations” have taken place, we have a chance to create change if we raise



2021.06.27 Sun

Reseña por la editora: Rika Kinugawa, 7 de Febrero de 2021 Esta obra nos plantea "algunas medidas para afrontar -a tu medida- un final feliz de la vida en tu hogar". En el epílogo, la autora cuenta lo siguiente; "Como ya no tengo ni un familiar, vivo básicamente sola y tengo 72 años actualmente. Seguiría en esta cuesta abajo de la vida, luego me reconocería como 'persona dependiente con la necesidad de ayuda y cuidado' y un día recibiría sola



2021.06.22 Tue

On April 10, 2016, an event was held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the exercise of women’s suffrage in Japan. Since the "Declaration for Doubling the Number of Women Legislators" was adopted there, Parity Declaration has been adopted every year at the annual commemorative events. Toward the 80th anniversary of 2026, we pledge that every year we will expand the circle of friends who commit to increasing the number of women parliamenta



2021.06.20 Sun

Am 10. April 2016 fand eine Veranstaltung zum Gedenken an den 70. Jahrestag der Einführung des Frauenwahlrechts in Japan statt. Seit der damals verabschiedeten "Erklärung zur Verdoppelung der Zahl der weiblichen Abgeordneten" wird bei den alljährlichen Gedenkveranstaltungen ein "Manifest zur Geschlechterparität" verabschiedet. Auf dem Weg zum 80. Jahrestag im Jahr 2026 verpflichten wir uns, den Kreis der Mitstreitenden, die sich für die Erhöh



2021.06.13 Sun

El 10 de abril de 2016, se celebró un acto para conmemorar el 70º aniversario del derecho al voto de las mujeres en Japón. Allí se adoptó una declaración que expresa nuestra voluntad de "duplicar el número de mujeres parlamentarias". Desde entonces, en este evento anual, hacemos una declaración de nuestros compromisos con MANIFIESTO POR LA PARIDAD. Hacia nuestro 80º aniversario en 2026, nos comprometemos cada año a ampliar el círculo de com



2021.06.09 Wed

Le 10 avril 2016, avait lieu un événement pour célébrer le 70e anniversaire du droit de vote des femmes au Japon. Une déclaration exprimant notre volonté de «doubler le nombre de femmes parlementaires» y était adoptée. Depuis, lors de ces événements annuels, nous faisons une déclaration de notre volonté et nos objectifs. En perspective du 80e anniversaire en 2026, nous nous engageons chaque année à élargir le cercle des ami.e



2021.06.01 Tue

 2016년 4월 10일 일본 여성참정권 행사 70주년을 기념한 행사가 개최되었습니다.  빠리테선언은 채택된「여성의원수를 배로 늘리자는 선언」을 계기로 그 후 매년 기념이벤트에서 채택되고 있는 결의 표명입니다.  2026년 80주년을 맞이하여 우리는 최선을 다해 여성의원의 동료를 넓힐 수 있도록 매년 다짐하고 있습니다.  75주년인 2021년 올해 이하의 결의 표명을 했습니다. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 빠리테선언 2021  여성 참정권 75주년기념 온라인 토크페스티벌 '늘리자, 여성의원! 이어주자, 여성의 힘!'에 참가한 우리는 일본여성이 처음으로 참정권을


Labels: a-한글

2021.05.24 Mon

Ninety-one out of 127 commercial TV stations nationwide have zero female executives. Moreover, no TV stations in Tokyo and Osaka have female Chief Executive Officers (e.g. Directors) in production departments, Japan Federation of Commercial Broadcasting Workers' Unions found. In other words, more than 70% of these companies have no female directors. Find more details at: The fact that there are no female decisi



2021.05.22 Sat

Update:The Supreme Court dismissed Attorney Ito's appeal on May 11. Recently, “unthinkable court rulings” have been causing women’s outrage, and here is one example. Ms. Kazuko Ito (The Secretary General of the Human Rights Now), a lawyer who is fighting against the issues of forced adult/X-rated video (AV) appearance and sex crimes, has been accused of defamation; She lost in the first and second trials, and has appealed to the Supreme Court.



2021.05.15 Sat

Reviewed by Rika Kinugawa, Feb 7, 2021. “Because I don’t have a family, basically I’ve been living all by myself,” says Chizuko Ueno in the afterword of her latest book, RECOMMENDING DYING HOME ALONE (在宅ひとり死のススメ). “I am now 72 years old. Going downhill in my life. One day I will be found dead at home, perhaps after getting certified for long-term care, after spending some quiet and lonely days. I don’t want that to be called a “lonely death,” an



2021.05.02 Sun

The late Congressman John Lewis shed his blood crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge to fight for Black voters and voters of color to participate in America’s electoral process and the enactment of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Today, voting rights are still under attack by state legislators introducing and passing laws to put up barriers to election participation, while special interests and billionaires are spending unlimited amounts to buy our ele



2021.04.16 Fri

動画公開!女性参政権行使75周年記念 オンライン・トークフェス 増やそう、女性議員! つなげよう、女性のチカラ! 2021年4月10日(土)、日本のジェンダー・ギャップ解消をめざして、多くのゲストをお招きした、半日のトーク・フェスの動画を公開いたします。 パリテ・キャンペーン実行委員会は1946年に戦後初めて女性が参政権を行使した日である4月10日を記念して、2016年からイベントを企画実施してきました。75周年という節目の今年は、ウィメンズネットワーク・アクション(WAN)と共催して記念イベントを企画しました。 開催前の告知ページはこちらから。 【メディアに掲載されました↓】 *週刊金曜日4月23日号9ページに記事掲載。 *4月18日、朝日新聞朝刊「日曜に想う」欄でイベントについて言及。 *4月11日、東京新聞に記事掲載。 *4月10日、NHK午後7時のニュースで、男女共同参画の実現を訴えるNPO(パリテ・キャンペーン実行委員会とWANウィメンズアクション・ネットワーク)などはオ


Labels: マイアクション Event Information ビデオメッセージ video イベント 集会・イベントレポート 連携する団体のイベント記録

2021.04.15 Thu

Hello to everyone who is participating in the Women’s March on this International Women’s Day. My name is Yayo Okano, a faculty member of Doshisha University Graduate School, and I am one of the directors of the certified NPO Women’s Action Network (WAN). At this year’s Women’s March, women from four locations— Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Kumamoto— connect with each other and raise our voices. At the same time, we can connect with people througho



2021.04.10 Sat

*当日の動画はこちらからご覧いただけます。→   【イベント終了】イベントでは参加者によりパリテ宣言2021が採択されました。多数のご参加をありがとうございました。 *週間金曜日4月23日号9ページに記事掲載。 *4月18日、朝日新聞朝刊「日曜に想う」欄でイベントについて言及。 *4月11日、東京新聞に記事掲載。 *4月10日、NHK午後7時のニュースで、男女共同参画の実現を訴えるNPO(パリテ・キャンペーン実行委員会とWANウィメンズアクション・ネットワーク)などはオンラインでイベントを開き各党の女性議員や専門家などが参加したと、紹介されました。→ * NHKworldnews で記事が配信。 https:


Labels: マイアクション Event Information video イベント フォーラム・セミナー

2021.04.01 Thu

2021년 3월 8일 국제여성의 날, Women’s March 도쿄 2021를 개최합니다. *March는 종료되었지만, 아래의 동영상을 참고하세요. WAN도 본 행사의 지지단체이며, WAN에서는 오가노야요(岡野八代)교수가 참여합니다! ******* *(당일 오가노야요 교수의 연설이 일부 들리지 않았습니다. 연설문은 아래와 같습니다.)  국제여성의 날, Women’s March에 참가한 여러분 안녕하세요! 저는 인정 NPO 법인 여성 액션 네트워크(Women’s Action Network), 약칭 WAN의 이사 중 한 사람입니다. 도시샤 대학(同志社大学) 대학원 교수 오가노야요라고 합니다.  올해 Women’s March는 도쿄 · 오사카 · 나고야 그리고 구마모토의 여성들을 각각의 장소에서 연결하여, 실시간 의견을 내는 동시에 온라인에서도 여러분과 연결되었습니다. 무엇보다도 주최자분들의



2021.03.20 Sat

What brought Yoshiro Mori’s resignation as the president of the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games was heavy pressure from widespread public criticism both inside and outside Japan, after his sexist comments that women talk too much and make meetings drag on. When his comments were first reported, many people must have thought “Not again!” and felt some kind of helplessness. And the people around Mori, as well as he h


Labels: Essays

2021.03.19 Fri

天眼2103 东京奥运会和残奥会组委会前任会长森喜朗的辞职,是国内外舆论共同作用的结果。 起初,森喜朗的问题发言被报道时,大家或许只是感叹“又来了”、“果然又是这样”,却也对此无可奈何。森喜朗本人及周遭同僚,都低估了这次不当言论的后果。他们预想,只要森喜朗收回问题发言并致歉,便可息事宁人,所以力争让其留任会长一职。然而,在召开记者会道歉时,森喜朗一副不知错在何处的样子无疑是火上浇油,最终导致事态无法挽回。国际奥委会(IOC)也在中途改变了态度。有人说,森喜朗的辞职是迫于海外舆论的压力,但事实不仅如此。在日本国内,年轻女性在change.org网站上发起要求森喜朗辞职的署名运动,转眼间就获得了15万人的支持。 森喜朗发言的问题所在,第一是对性别的刻板印象。他声称“有女性在场的会议时间过长”,然而会议的长短,与是否有女性参加无关。即便森喜朗有过类似经历,那么也存在第二个问题——会议时间长又有何不妥?会议是一种合议机制,而所谓民主主义,是需要花费较高成本来达成社会合意的


Labels: a-中文簡体字

2021.03.19 Fri

天眼2103 東京奧運會和殘奧會組委會前任會長森喜朗的辭職,是國內外輿論共同作用的結果。 起初,森喜朗的問題發言被報導時,大家或許只是感歎“又來了”、“果然又是這樣”,卻也對此無可奈何。森喜朗本人及周遭同僚,都低估了這次不當言論的後果。他們預想,只要森喜朗收回問題發言並致歉,便可息事寧人,所以力爭讓其留任會長一職。然而,在召開記者會道歉時,森喜朗一副不知錯在何處的樣子無疑是火上澆油,最終導致事態無法挽回。國際奧會(IOC)也在中途改變了態度。有人說,森喜朗的辭職是迫於海外輿論的壓力,但事實不僅如此。在日本國內,年輕女性在change.org網站上發起要求森喜朗辭職的署名運動,轉眼間就獲得了15萬人的支持。 森喜朗發言的問題所在,第一是對性別的刻板印象。他聲稱“有女性在場的會議時間過長”,然而會議的長短,與是否有女性參加無關。即便森喜朗有過類似經歷,那麼也存在第二個問題——會議時間長又有何不妥?會議是一種合議機制,而所謂民主主義,是需要花費較高成本來達成社會合意的一種手續。森喜


Labels: a-中文繁体字

> WANサイトについて
> 会員限定プレゼント


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