Worldwide WAN

The Worldwide WAN (W-WAN) introduces activities of Women's Action Network (WAN) and feminist movements, etc. inside and outside of Japan. We translate selected articles in the main WAN website from Japanese into English as well as other international languages including Chinese and Korean. We also publish W-WAN's original articles on this page.

2024.05.12 Sun

国連人権高等弁務官事務所より、5月6日付で発表された文書 Onslaught of violence against women and children in Gaza unacceptable: UN experts 「国連専門家の見解:ガザでの女性と子どもに対する暴力の猛攻撃は、許されない」 を、片山亜紀氏の試訳と共に転載します。 Source:  こちらから転載「国連専門家の見解:ガザでの女性と子どもに対する暴力の猛攻撃は、許されない」 (2024年5月6日、ジュネーブにて)本日、国連専門家*たちは、これまで7ヶ月にわたり、ガザのパレスチナ人に対する暴力が継続的かつ体系的に行われ、この暴力の犠牲者の大部分が女性と子どもであることを非難し



2024.04.26 Fri

The morning after the surgery, my primary surgeon, Dr. Valencia, came to my hospital room to check on me and said,”Dr. Patdu, the oncologist, will be here this evening and you can discuss your future treatment with her." In Japan, the primary surgeon is generally also in charge of postoperative anticancer treatment. But in the Philippines, the surgeon is in charge of cancer surgery and the medical oncologist is in charge of anticancer treatment


Labels: Essays

2024.04.06 Sat

I was admitted to the hospital the afternoon before my surgery. Manila was in the midst of a pandemic at the time (December 2021),but luckily, the number of coronavirus cases was relatively low and the hospital was quiet. However, PCR testing was mandatory for admission to the inpatient ward. My husband, who accompanied me to the hospital, was in the same room with me throughout my five-day stay, as he had to undergo another PCR test once he left


Labels: Essays

2024.03.03 Sun

Raising Voices: SafeBuddy's Online Event Shines Light on Female Genital Mutilation Awareness (日本語訳が下にあります) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) remains a silent yet harrowing reality for millions of women worldwide. SafeBuddy, a leading international organization dedicated to promoting women's rights and safety, recently organized an online event aimed at raising awareness about FGM. This article delves into the highlights of SafeBuddy's event, she



2024.02.19 Mon

I decided to have breast cancer surgery in Manila, and my primary surgeon, Dr. Valencia, explained to me that I had to complete the following four steps before the surgery could be performed. This was in December 2021, when the pandemic was still in progress. 1. CT scan to check the size of the cancer and its metastatic status 2. Various blood tests & cardiovascular tests to check if the patient is healthy enough to undergo general anesthesia su


Labels: Essays

2024.01.10 Wed

여러분, 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 올해 용의 해 새해가 밝았지만, 별로 달가운 마음이 들지 않습니다. 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 2년째에 더해 이스라엘의 가자 침공으로 정말로 가슴 아픈 사태가 계속되고 있습니다. 국제사회의 무력함을 뼈저리게 깨닫는 가운데, 우리가 대처할 방도를 찾지 못하는 사이에 무력감은 실로 커져가고 있습니다. 이러한 때에 WAN의 멤버가 평화의 메세지를 일본어, 영어, 독일어, 히브리어, 아랍어로 내어서, WAN은 세계의 사람들과 함께 평화를 호소할 수 있었습니다. 작년에 저는 75살 이상 후기고령자가 되었습니다. 작년 WAN의 총회가 열릴 때 저는 입원을 했었는데, 이사장 없이도 총회를 열 수 있다는 점을 실증한 점이 큰 성과입니다.(웃음) WAN도 이제 창립 후 15년째, 열 다섯 살이 되었습니다. 앞으로 WAN에서도 세대 교체가 필요하다고 절감하는 시기입니다.


Labels: a-한글

2024.01.01 Mon

Happy New Year! This year is the year of the dragon, and this year is the last year for this calendar of lessons learned. I am not in a happy mood just because it is New Year. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been going on for two years now, and in addition, Israel's invasion of Gaza has been really tragic. We have been reminded of the powerlessness of the international community. We are also devastated by the helplessness of ourselves. In t


Labels: WANの活動 NPO会員向け情報 WANからのお知らせ ビデオメッセージ

2023.12.31 Sun

Worldwide-WAN Peace Declaration of Solidarity ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ 平和を求めるメッセージ ◆Worldwide WAN Botschaft für den Frieden ◆Worldwide WAN رسالة دعوة إلى السلام ◆Worldwide WAN



2023.12.31 Sun

Worldwide-WAN Peace Declaration of Solidarity ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** 平和を求めるメッセージ ◆Worldwide WAN Botschaft für den Frieden ◆Worldwide WAN מסר לשלום ◆Worldwide WAN



2023.12.17 Sun

I made an appointment with a surgeon at the clinic where I had my cytology to ask about treatment and surgery for breast cancer.My husband went with me to the clinic that day. We both must have looked very serious while waiting for the doctor in the waiting room. Then Dr. Valencia, a surgeon, wearing a face shield that covered his entire face like an astronaut, showed up about 30 minutes late. (*In Manila at that time, face mask plus face shield


Labels: Essays

2023.11.26 Sun

After my mind went blank for a while from the shock of seeing the diagnosis of breast cancer, the first thing I did, trembling, was to open an airline booking website and look up tickets to Japan. “I have to go back to Japan right away to have the surgery!” I had no desire to have the surgery in Manila. Because the Japanese I know living in Manila return home when surgery is needed. Those who give birth also usually return home a few months bef


Labels: Essays

2023.11.21 Tue

中国のファッション雑誌『ELLE CHINA』が35周年記念号として「新たな女性主人公へのトリビュート-Change MAKERS」と題した特集を組みました。 その特集の冒頭インタビューに、今中国で大ブームを巻き起こしているWAN理事長の上野千鶴子さんが取り上げられました。 『ELLE CHINA』から翻訳と掲載の許可を得て、そのインタビューの日本語訳を掲載します。 オリジナル記事は次のリンクから読むことができます。 『ELLE CHINA 35 ANNIVERSARY ISSUE』 ****************************************************************************************** わたしたちは上野千鶴子さんと彼女のご自宅で対談しました。 上野さんは、今日の東アジアの文化において最も影響力のあるフェミニスト学者であり、わたしたちに女性であることのジレンマと意味、そして女性が持つこ


Labels: OVERSEAs

2023.11.11 Sat

Wir, die Freiwilligen von W-WAN, haben am 3. März 2022 die W-WAN Friedens- und Solidaritätserklärung abgegeben. W-WAN-Erklärung zu Frieden und Solidarität Diese Friedens- und Solidaritätserklärung richtet sich gegen alle Konflikte und Gewalt in der Welt, nicht nur gegen den russisch-ukrainischen Krieg. Dazu gehört auch der aktuelle israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt. Dieser Konflikt hat nicht gestern oder heute begonnen, sondern dauert schon


Labels: OVERSEAs

2023.11.08 Wed

わたしたちWorldwide WANチームの有志は、2022年3月3日にW-WAN平和連帯宣言を出しました。 Worldwide WAN平和連帯宣言 この平和連帯宣言は、ロシア・ウクライナ戦争に限らず、世界中のすべての争いや暴力に反対するものでした。そこには今回のイスラエルとパレスチナでの争いも含まれます。この争いは、昨日今日始まったのではなく、これまでも長い間ずっと続いてきたものです。 さらに、戦争や紛争だけでなく、わたしたちの身の回りには暴力がはびこっており、そこでは常に弱い立場にいる人々が犠牲になっています。 いかなる歴史もいかなる過去も、今を生きる人々や生き物、そして未来を生きる子どもたちの命を奪う理由にはなりません。わたしたちは歴史から、過去の過ちを繰り返さないための教訓を導き出し、より良い社会・世界づくりのために活用すべきです。 戦争や紛争は一部の利権を独占したい人間によって引き起こされ、その利権とはまったく関係のない人々や生き物が犠牲になります。わたしたち


Labels: OVERSEAs

2023.11.05 Sun

I thought I would never get cancer. I was almost certain. I had been a hardcore health nut for about 10 years.The only time I've been to the hospital in the last 10 years is for a routine physical. I never caught a cold. I was very confident about my health. I was so stoic in my pursuit of health that people around me were astonished by my public declaration, "My hobby is detoxification". I quit my corporate life in Japan, followed my husband t


Labels: Essays

2023.11.01 Wed

Appeal for Peace in Israel and Palestine Horrified by the escalating violence in Israel and Palestine, we unconditionally condemn the massacre of the Israeli population committed by Hamas, as well as the state terror that the State of Israel has been systematically carrying out against the Palestinian civilians for decades, and which in the last weeks has reached the proportions of an immeasurable human and humanitarian tragedy. We oppose the


Labels: OVERSEAs

2023.10.25 Wed

Dear All, I am delighted to share the news that the 2023 Berggruen Prize Jury has chosen trailblazing sociologist Patricia Hill Collins as the winner of the annual $1 million Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture. According to the Prize Jury, Dr. Collins was selected for how her work “provides a powerful analytical lens through which we can envision the different and intersecting ways in which our material, social, and cultural worlds pr



2023.10.06 Fri

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL October 5, 2023 How a Japanese Sociologist Became a Chinese Feminist Icon After crackdown, foreign books and a blocked podcast drive a surge in ‘everyday feminism’ By Shen Lu Updated Oct.5,2023 4:45 am ET --------------------------------------------------------------


Labels: OVERSEAs

2023.07.11 Tue

June 14, 2023 For the LGBT Understanding Promotion Act, three drafts were submitted: the ruling party LDP/Komeito bill, the CDP/JCP/SD bill [former bipartisan proposal], and the JIP/DPP bill. The JIP/DPP version was eventually merged into the LDP/Komeito bill, and the four-party amendment was passed at the Lower Cabinet Committee on June 9th and at the Lower House plenary session on June 13th. The four-party amendment includes the phrase "[We]



2023.06.06 Tue

これは、弦子さん(がこの経験にかかわるご自身の気持ちをWANのために特別に書いてくださったオリジナル記事です。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018年、CCTVの司会者である朱軍からセクハラを受けたことを名乗り出たとき、自分が4年間のセクハラ訴訟の原告になり、そして自分が参加した#MeToo運動が、今後数年間で中国の若い女性のジェンダー意識を深く根本的に変えることになるとは思ってもみませんでした。 私にとって、セクハラを受けた経験を話す最大の理由は、当時中国のソーシャルネットワークで起きていた#MeToo運動によって、数え切れないほどの性犯罪の被害者が自分の経験を話すようになり、私の女友達が知人にレイプされた過去を記事に書いて、いわゆる貞操を失ったことで女性が恥さらしと言わ



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